Hi darling!

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It was a stormy day, rain clouds covering the hills of saunderbanks.

Crows flocked around the small town, only perching on the old church on smith ave.

Few locals on the street aside from the occasional old couple who completely hate each other but are too old to call it quits.
The town has very few young people in it, that is unless its school holidays, the younger generations visit from far and wide to see their grandparents/parents for the school holidays.

Davina was one of the youngest to live in this town, There were a few other kids her age that roamed in groups around her. This does not mean Davina was included...

Davina had long black hair and crooked bangs she cut herself (they were not terrible, her mother just says they are a little wack). Her eyes a deep blue, almost a purple ish colour (Davina thought).

She wore a black over sized bomber jacket, with a short tennis/school cut skirt, long white socks up to her knees, bangles sat on her wrists that jingled together as she moved her hands around (which she did alot when she spoke), Her teeth straight as can be, her eyes fox like and littered with dark lashes, her face slim. She was the definition of beautiful. The only issue that made her so unpopular...

Was she was fucking bat shit crazy.

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