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After the quake, everything changed.

A world that once felt stable and predictable was ripped apart, as though the earth itself had rebelled. Cities crumbled, and nations watched in disbelief as dams burst, fields split wide open, and animals either fled in terror or died in places they didn't belong. The ground cracked like fragile glass, leaving chaos and fear in its wake.

Panic spread like wildfire. Governments scrambled to rebuild, to strengthen their defenses, and to hold onto whatever remained of civilization. Military forces were mobilized, not just for protection, but to maintain order in a world that suddenly felt anything but safe.

But while most braced themselves for survival, there were those who saw it as an opportunity-the rebels, the anarchists, and anyone else who had long dreamed of tearing down the existing order. For them, this was their moment.

But then, an unexpected event happened.

The Dungeons.

From nowhere, these mysterious, foreboding structures erupted from the earth. Each one is different, but all were equally dangerous. They appeared without warning, some are in the heart of the cities, the others are in remote countryside. No one knew their purpose, but they all had one thing in common: danger. The World Government quickly labeled them A-rank threats, desperate to contain this unknown.

In the Philippines, one of the most affected countries, a strange blue light flickered over Manila. An E-rank dungeon had suddenly appeared-a smaller one, they said-but its location sent chills down everyone's spine. It was inside the Sacred Heart Hospital, a building packed with patients, vulnerable and afraid.

Four civilians, along with 500 soldiers, ventured into this dungeon, prepared to face whatever horrors waited inside.

What they found defied belief: creatures, not of this world, that seemed plucked from dark fairy tales. The monsters attacked with a savage intensity, as if they were acting on orders from some ancient god, demanding blood.


"Marc! Behind you!" a woman's voice cut through the chaos. She was running, holding a one-year-old child, wounded but clinging to life.

Marc reacted instinctively. He turned, his sword already raised, and with one swift motion, he sliced through the goblin creeping up on him. Blood sprayed across his face, the thick crimson making his vision blur for a moment. His heart pounded, and his eyes glowed with primal fury, like a predator on the hunt.

"Flame Slash!" he roared, channeling fire into his blade. His sword blazed, cutting through another goblin as easily as it sliced through air.

Breathless, Marc wiped the sweat from his brow. "Stay close, Tanya!" he shouted. She nodded, fear etched into her face, but determination kept her moving. They ran, pushing deeper into the dungeon, evading creatures that seemed to crawl from every shadow.

"Fireflies Sequence," Tanya murmured, her voice was shaking but steady enough to summon her power. Instantly, a swarm of glowing fireflies filled the air, casting a soft light in the darkness around them. They gasped. The light revealed not just a few goblins but thousands, snarling and advancing.

"What do we do?" Tanya's voice cracked. They fought hard, and killed too many to count, but that was not enough. The sheer number of enemies was overwhelming, and exhaustion was taking them its toll.

Out of nowhere, a figure dropped from above.

"Lieutenant General Reiniel!"

Marc and Tanya looked up as a man in gleaming armor dropped from the heights of the dungeon, landing between them and the horde. Reiniel reloaded his handgun, calm and composed.

"Are you two alright?" Reiniel asked, his voice as calm as if he were asking about the weather. Without waiting for a reply, he pulled a massive bazooka from his back, pointing it directly at the incoming horde.

Another soldier slid down from above, armed with an assault rifle. "Colonel, you made it," Marc muttered in disbelief.

Reiniel grinned. "Let's finish this."

"FIRE!" Reiniel barked, and the air filled with the roar of gunfire. The goblins were cut down in waves, their crude weapons no match for the soldiers' firepower.

Meanwhile, Marc pushed forward, his sword glowing hotter and brighter. "Flame Slashes: Four Cores!" His blade pulsed with energy, giving him the speed and strength he needed. He cut down dozens of goblins with each swing, their bodies turning to ash before they hit the ground.

But no matter how many they killed, the dungeon remained sealed.

"Why won't it open?!" Marc shouted, desperation rising in his throat.

Suddenly, the ground beneath them trembled. The darkness around them warped and shifted. They suddenly stood in a breathtaking kingdom-lush and green, with endless fields of wildflowers, crystal-clear rivers, and a sky full of dancing clouds while birds chirped in harmony, and the sun bathed in a golden light.

"Where are we?" Tanya whispered, her voice barely audible, while her eyes widened with disbelief.

Marc dropped his sword. But it wasn't the kingdom that stole his breath. It was the child in Tanya's arms. The baby was glowing-a soft, radiant light, like yellow stars twinkling in the night sky.

The air thickened with a strange, pulsing energy.


A voice boomed from nowhere, making the ground tremble beneath their feet.


The serene kingdom shattered in an instant. Flames erupted from the earth, the sky turned to ash, and the ground below them rumbled like a living thing. It was as if they had been dragged into hell itself.

The baby-once fragile, innocent-was now a beacon of unimaginable power, glowing with an intensity light power that promised the dawn of a new era.

[System Unlocked.]

The unknown heard a voice in his mind.

[You have acquired 2 Skills.]

[Do you want to open them?]

A choice hovered before him.

[Yes] [No]

The unknown hesitated for a split second before his instincts took over.



[Reminder: You can only choose one!]


Rank: ???

Description: ************

Skill: *************

Rank: ???

Description: ************

[Do you wish to choose skill *?]


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