Chapter 2 - Whispers of Treachery

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Time has passed, and the final preparations for my vengeance are complete.

I've gathered my allies, half of the nobilities were under my thumb. The remaining other imperial knights who are seeking revenge of my father including the general of the Imperial Army sided with me. Some are loyal to my blood, while the others submit to my threats, and are those disgusting parasites driven by green, simply craving the rewards of the aftermath of this war.

They remind me of my mother. Yet, I can't kill them now- not in this crucial moment. I needed their power.

On the eve of the summer solstice, our prepared troops and the weapons gather at the castle. We surrounded the castle with all of my knights and commanders, ready to strike.

"Your majesty, we have already assembled and gathered our troops, as planned. We are now all just awaiting for your majesty's command to invade the castle."

"Alright." I nodded.

I glanced at the general and stepped to the tower's edge gazing at the battalion below, where armored soldiers stoods, gripping the hilts of their sword, with full might and determination.

"Tonight. We will overthrow the traitors and avenge the murder of my father. Those that trampled the celestial imperial bloodline of our beloved northern empire!"

"Northerners of Adriano Empire, follow me!" I shouted, with my voice full of determination and resolve.

"Charge the enemy of the heavens!"

"Attack!" I roared.

"Hiyah!" "Victory for Adriano!" The battle knight's cries soared to the air and the thundering hooves of the horses shook the ground. The army stomped their feets as they charged and stormed the vulnerable castle.

The day has come. This is the day you will pay, my mother.

The sky above the palace, once a serene canvas, now seemed foreboding.

The plan was set in motion with ruthless precision.

We attacked under the cover of the Summer Festival-when the kingdom's defenses were at their weakest.

Strangely, there weren't many imperial knights who fiercely protected the castle.

Had the best Imperial Knights been sent to protect the Summer Festival?

The Empress forces fell one after another. Their blood splattered in the path of the palace while my army pushed forward.

Their sanctuary had now become their grave.

The Summer Festival, where music and laughter normally filled the air to celebrate the ascension of a crown prince, now echoed with the clashing of steel and the cries of the dying.


The capital, once alive with celebration, has now become a battlefield.

After reaching the chamber, I saw her-my mother, the Empress, the betrayer.

She stood before me, regal and untouchable, just as she had stood before my father.

However, tonight, she was at my mercy. Without a second thought, I pierced her heart as cleanly as she had shattered my father's.

I watched her coldly as fear flickered in her eyes.

"Kneel," I commanded,

She trembled as she shanked to her knees, the great Empress now reduced to a quivering shadow of her former self. And then... silence.

Her face turned pale, with tears streaming down in her cheeks like pouring rains.

"Can you feel it now? The way my father felt when you betrayed him?" My voice faltered, my resolve for revenge waived for a bit as I saw her eyes gleaming of loneliness.

But I doubted she ever felt remorse. She unmercisely had an affair, and killed him with her own life despite his love for her.

"I'm sorry, Taizer." she whispered, grasping my attention, her words were clear as glass.

Her final breath escaped her, and her lifeless body crumpled to the ground on the extravagant of this golden carpet of the castle.

She deserved it. No apology can bring back the life of my father.

I had thought that killing her would finally ease the feeling of this rage and finally free myself from this chain of hatred. But yet, I only felt nothing, it is just full of emptiness.


The day after that war, I was crowned the Emperor of the South. Despite the sudden coronation, and the deaths of their Empress and Emperor. After just the coronation. I hunted down all those who had once supported my mother and her emperor.

No one was spared, not even the innocents.

Noble and the third of their generation and even peasants, had they ever spoken of her name with high regard and affection, they would disappear.

No one dared to question the reason behind these acts.

My reign was brutal and absolute. I ruled with an iron fist, caring for nothing but my dominance.

I was feared by all of the people across the continent.

I controlled every aspect of their daily lives.

Eventually, the western east kingdoms declared a war on our empire. They were the remnants and supporters of my mother. Some of our civilians sided with them, the victims of my tyrannical rule.

Then, the Emperor of the North requested a meeting. He proposed a political marriage proposal between me and his daughter to secure an alliance.

Marriage? I scoffed even at the very thought.

I would never share my throne, not with anyone, and certainly not for love. Love is nothing but a weakness, a poison that destroys you from within.

"You are the only one left with those emerald eyes," the emperor said. "I know you need an empire like ours to protect your empire from the Western Empire, where your deceased mother's influence still lingers. Don't you agree?

Just by hearing the word "mother", my hand moved before I could stop it.

The North's Emperor fell before he got to hear my refusal, his blood left stained on my blade.

"I cannot believe that I will hear such nonsense from this meeting. I don't need any protection from anyone!" I shouted at the whole meeting room.

Upon hearing the murder's of their Emperor, the Northern Empire declared war, and was soon joined by the Holy Nation of Western East.

Killing an emperor blessed with holy eyes is seen as a grave and unforgivable clause, one even the Holy Nation could not forgive.

The Western Empire also followed suit. These declarations became my justification to conquer all nations.


The Southern Empire's armies were unmatched, the strongest on the continent.

We destroyed everyone in our path. The screams of civilians, the cries of children and the knight's clashes echoed in the sky

Piles of innocent people and thousands of knights' death bodies were hoarded, a clearly brutal massacre, but I felt no remorse.

After months, years of wars, the whole continent became mine.

Or so I thought.

I never imagined that absoluteness could be betrayed.

Tonight, the winter solstice, I found myself at the mercy of my own blood. My maternal grandfather, the man who had raised me and who I thought was my ally, stabbed me - just as I had stabbed my mother.

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