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I sit down cautiously at the table. My hair is a mess but I really don't care. Montsy is up in the kitchen trying to cook something. It smells like an omelette.
"So how was your night with Mary." Montsy hisses. I look at her. She has her back turned away from me, busy occupying herself with cooking. I grit my teeth.
"It was fine. How about you?" I say twiddling my thumbs anxiously.
"FINE?! THAT IS ALL YOU CAN SAY?!" she slams the egg shell she had in her hand onto the tabletop. It shattered into a million pieces. I jump.
"What do you mean?" I whisper. She looks at me, tears welling up in her eyes.
"You had sex with Mary." she snarls. I look at her, confused.
"Oh don't pull that shit on me. It doesn't work."
"Don't swear. You don't want the kids to know any bad words."
"For God's sake! The kids only know a majority of polite English. Plus, I sent them to their Aunty's a few hours ago. Just so I could wish you a nice farewell. It turns out this isn't the case." I stare at her like she's a fucking idiot. Is it International Overreact Week for Women?
"Why are you making up all this bull shit, Montsy?" I say softly, trying to see if I could calm the raging bull. It doesn't work.
"Why did you have sex with Mary?!" she roars.
"I didn't have sex with Mary!" I screech.
"Then why did you sleep in her bed not mine?! Hmmm?!"
"Because you creeped the fuck out of me!"
"Because when you asked me, you inched closer, combed your fingers through my hair and looked at me like you wanted to do... Stuff!" I shout getting aggravated at Montsy's stupid assumptions. We were both people who could go from 0 to 100 in a matter of seconds.

Mary's POV
I step out of the shower, dry off and slip on some comfy clothes. As I walk down the stairs to the living room I hear two people yelling and screaming at each other. I panic and rush into the room to see Freddie screaming at Montserrat.
"I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!" Montserrat shrieks. She picks up a pot plant and throws it at Freddie. It hits his shoulder and bounces off to hit the ground, shattering into tiny pieces. I gasp and run into the kitchen. Freddie stands there breathing heavily. Montserrat's eyes were filled with anger. Then they start screaming curses and atrocities at each other.
"STOP IT YOU TWO!" I scream over the top of them. They stop and finally notice that I'm there. I give Freddie a disapproving stare and glare at Montserrat.
"Freddie and I shall be leaving now. Thank you for letting us stay at your home. I assume there is a driver waiting outside?" I say sternly. Montserrat shakes her head. I sigh in annoyance.
"Well we will just have to take the taxi. Come on Freddie, we are leaving now!" I aggressively tug his hand and lead him out of the room. He turns to me with tears rolling down his cheeks. I wipe them away with my thumb.
"Freddie, go grab our stuff. I'll call up a taxi." I tell him sternly.
"But Mary, we haven't had breakfast." he moans.
"I'm sure they'll have some on the flight. Now go grab our stuff. I don't want to be standing here awkwardly while Montserrat rages in the kitchen." I give him a push and he sulks up the stairs.
"Hurry!" I call after him.

We arrive at the airport and board the plane. Freddie looks down at the ground with glazed eyes after a very quiet taxi ride. I find our seats up in first class, which is empty, and sit down. Freddie just stands and stares out the window. He slips his shades on.
"Freddie, sit down." I say softly. He obliges and collapses into the seat next to me, groaning.
"I guess you're still mad at Montserrat?" I ask. He nods, still looking away from me.
"Well you can talk to me then." I say. He sighs and turns around to look at me. I reach to take off the shades but he shakes his head. I give him a confused look. He sighs loudly. I rest my arm on shoulder. I hear him take in short shaky breaths.
"Take deep breaths in and out. Okay?" I instruct him. He nods and his breathing slows down.
"Now I don't know what happened to everyone in Barcelona but we all lost it. Now, I know you won't like it, but you have to apologise to Montserrat as soon as we get home. You two both have very dramatic personalities and we can't have these fights happening all the time. Do you agree?" I ask him sternly.
"Yes." Freddie agrees and blinks away a few tears, "If only this didn't happen. If only I didn't sleep with you."
"Wait what?!"
"Montserrat was pissed because she thought I had sex with you and somehow came off as jealous."
"Why didn't you just tell her that you had... The thing."
"I don't want to hurt her feelings. I don't have the guts too."
"Well you have to tell her or make up a pretty good excuse. I'm going to ask the flight attendant if there's any food, you look starving." I smile at him and give him a peck on the cheek. I walk off and he calls after me, "I don't know what I'd do without you, Mary."

Freddie's POV
I watch Mary walk of down the aisle towards the flight attendant. I can't believe I had a fallout with Montsy. I never wanted to hurt her. She just got too curious. I sigh as Mary walks back.
"Sorry, we have to wait till we get back. They don't serve food on two hour flights." Mary groans. My stomach rumbles. I really needed to sleep. I moan and close my eyes to let sleep wash away my fears. 

I wake up to Mary jabbing me in the arm. I open my eyes and stretch. I realised that one of the flight attendant, Mary had talked to, was holding our luggage. He smiles.
"Thank you for flying with us Mr Mercury and Miss Austin. I grabbed your belongings and brought them to you. No extra charge." the attendant places our bags carefully on the ground, looks at me then laughs, "I apologise I have to leave for my next flight. Have a great day though and once again thank you for flying with us." I smile lightly at him as he walks away. Mary grabs my arm.
"Come on Sleepyhead. Phoebe's waiting for us." Mary giggles.
"Why are you laughing?" I ask, eyes widening.
"You may need to clean up first." she sniggers. I look down at my pants, shocked.
"Mary, where are the tissues?" I breathe heavily.
"Don't worry, it's not piss." Mary continues to laugh.
"Well what the fuck is it?!"
"This isn't funny Mary!" I snarl. This causes her to laugh harder. I stand up and look at the wet patch on my pants. Thank god they were tracksuit.
"Mary Austin, hand me a different pair of pants." I demand.
"I'm sorry but have you not noticed the amount of locks you have placed on that bag?" Mary smirks.
"I DON'T CARE! I JUST WANT ANOTHER PAIR OF PANTS!" I glare at Mary and she cracks up again. I stomp my foot on the ground. Mary starts crying from laughing so hard.
"I DID NOT PISS MY PANTS!" I shriek. Mary beams and holds up a pair of keys. The lock keys.
"Come and get me!" and she runs off laughing at me. I pounce after her.

"We ended up chasing for a few minutes until we were kicked out because they had to clean." Mary finishes, laughing at me.
"Yeah, while ended up walking through the airport like a fucking idiot." I hiss.
"Oh don't worry Freddie, you can't really see it." Phoebe remarks. I roll my eyes and stare out the window. The last 5 minutes of the drive revolved around me pondering. Did Phoebe know? What's Jim going to say? How about Joseph? All these questions roll around my head until we arrive back at Garden Lodge.
"Don't worry you two I'll take the luggage." Phoebe says politely. I nod and rush up the stairs. It was only 9am which probably meant Jim was still sleeping. I open our bedroom door to see him cuddled up with a picture of us framed in gold. I smile. A tear spills out of my eye. I reach out and tap him on the shoulder.
"Jimmy, I'm home." I whisper. He stirs and turns my way, slowly opening his eyes. They're red as if he's recently been crying. He slowly smiles and lunges at me. We end up in a tight embrace.
"I've missed you, Freddie." Jim cries. I rub his back.
"I've missed you too." I soothe.
"I can't bear it. You being away."
"I'm sorry if this statement upsets you but," I sigh deeply, Jim looks up at me with blurry eyes, "You can leave me." An immense look of shock takes his face.
"What?!" Jim exclaims.
"Well, we can't have fun anymore, so I thought well, instead of watching me waste away, you can leave me and go have fun with others and just... Forget about me." I whisper the last but.
"Freddie," Jim grits his teeth, "I would never leave you. As much as it kills me to see you go. I will stay."
"You never know, there may be a cure." I smile at him, "Now I need you to promise me something." Jim nods furiously, as if I were a captain giving him orders.
"You cannot tell anyone, and I mean anyone, what I have." I instruct softly.
"I would never betray you." We smile at each other and say no more. We're just happy to be together. For a while, we stay like that. That was until she came in.

Author's Note.
Sorry I haven't updated in what feels like forever, writing between two stories is harder than I thought. I'm also sorry that it's shorter than usual. Also feel free to give feedback or just leave a nice comment and vote. As always I hope you are all enjoying Freddie. Love you guys ~Hannah :3

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