Chapter 15: Echoes of Decision

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Hyesoo stood by the window, her arms crossed as she looked out at the street below. The evening air felt heavier than usual, and the anticipation of the upcoming conversation weighed on her heart. She heard the familiar sound of Saeyoung's footsteps approaching her apartment, and when he knocked on the door, a mix of dread and determination settled over her.

When she opened the door, Saeyoung walked in with his usual playful smile. "Hye, what's with the serious face?" he teased, plopping down on her couch. "You look like you're about to fire me or something."

She sighed, knowing that humor was his defense mechanism, but this was not the time for games. "Saeyoung, we need to talk."

He glanced up at her, the smile still on his face, but there was a flicker of something darker in his eyes. "Ooh, sounds serious. What's up?"

Hyesoo swallowed hard, gathering her courage. "I've made a decision... about Jihyun."

Saeyoung's smile didn't waver, but there was a shift in his posture. He leaned back, crossing his arms behind his head. "Jihyun, huh? Let me guess, you're going to tell me you're in love with him?" He laughed lightly, as if it was the most ridiculous thing he could imagine.

Hyesoo's expression remained serious. "I'm giving him a chance, Saeyoung. I've thought about it for a long time, and I want to see where things go with him."

Saeyoung blinked, the smile still plastered on his face, but it seemed more strained now. "Come on, Hye. You're joking, right? This is your idea of a prank. Classic Hye." He chuckled again, though it lacked the usual warmth.

"I'm not joking," she replied firmly, taking a step closer to him. "This is real, Saeyoung. I care about you, but what I feel for Jihyun... it's different. I need to explore that."

Saeyoung sat up, his face contorting with disbelief. "You can't be serious. Jihyun? The guy with a million issues? The guy who's so wrapped up in his own problems he can barely see straight?" He shook his head, refusing to accept what she was saying. "You're not thinking clearly, Hyesoo. You know we have something special. Don't throw it away for him."

"I'm not throwing anything away," she said, her voice rising with frustration. "I'm choosing what's best for me. Jihyun understands me in ways I didn't expect, and I can't ignore that."

Hyesoo reflected on her decision, her mind racing with thoughts of Jihyun. He saw her as a person, not a plaything or a trophy to flaunt. He listened, truly listened, when she spoke about her dreams, her fears, her struggles. He didn't just flirt and joke; he challenged her, pushed her to be better, and made her feel like she was worth something more than just a fleeting crush. In contrast, Saeyoung's charm often masked a deeper self-interest, a playboy persona that never quite allowed her to feel secure.

Saeyoung's laughter grew more desperate, more forced. "You're messing with me. There's no way you're choosing him over me. After everything we've been through? After everything I've done for you?" He stood up, towering over her now, his playful demeanor gone. "You're making a huge mistake."

"I'm not," she shot back, standing her ground. "I've thought about this, Saeyoung. You and I... we're friends. That's all we've ever been. I'm sorry if you thought there was more, but I can't lie to myself—or to you—any longer."

"You're wrong!" he shouted, his voice louder than she had ever heard. "We're more than friends. You know it. You feel it. Jihyun can't give you what I can."

Hyesoo's heart pounded in her chest, but she refused to back down. "This isn't about what Jihyun can or can't give me. This is about how I feel, and I'm telling you, I'm going to give him a chance."

Saeyoung's face twisted with anger and pain, the rejection finally sinking in. "You're really serious about this? You're choosing him?"

She nodded, her voice softening. "Yes, I am."

He clenched his fists, struggling to keep control. "You're making a mistake, Hye. He's not good enough for you. You're going to regret this."

"I'm willing to take that risk," she said quietly.

Saeyoung stared at her for a long moment, the tension between them almost unbearable. Finally, he let out a bitter laugh, shaking his head. "Fine. Do whatever you want. But don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart."

With that, he stormed out of the apartment, leaving Hyesoo standing there, the weight of her decision settling heavily on her shoulders.

As she leaned against the door, she felt a mix of relief and sorrow. Saeyoung might have been a part of her life for a long time, but she knew that choosing Jihyun was about carving out a new path, one where she could explore who she was without the shadow of Saeyoung's manipulative charm.

The memories of Saeyoung's playful banter and carefree laughter lingered in her mind, but they were now overshadowed by the promise of something deeper with Jihyun. The contrast between them felt like night and day—a fun escape versus a heartfelt connection.

Just then, her phone buzzed, breaking her thoughts. It was Jihyun, checking in on her. She smiled at the message, feeling a warmth spread in her chest. Maybe this was the right choice after all.

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