Chapter 21: Awakening and Confrontation

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The muted beeping of the heart monitor pierced through the fog, gradually breaking the veil of darkness that enveloped Hyesoo. Light filtered through the blinds, casting stripes of brightness across her face. As she stirred, her eyelids felt heavy, as if weighed down by a thousand dreams that lingered just beyond her reach. Confusion and disorientation flooded her senses, and it took a moment to recognize the sterile smell of antiseptic and the rhythmic sounds of the hospital.

With a groan, she blinked her eyes open, squinting at the harsh lights above her. The world came into focus, and her gaze landed on the familiar figure seated beside her. Jihyun sat there, his head resting against the side of her bed, a look of pure relief etched across his features. It was as if he had been holding his breath for the entire two weeks she had been unconscious.

"Hyesoo?" His voice was barely above a whisper, and he leaned closer, his expression shifting from surprise to uncontainable joy. "You're awake! Thank God!"

The joy radiating from him clashed violently with the turmoil inside her. Why was he here? A wave of anger surged through her veins, and her heart raced with a mix of emotions—confusion, bitterness, and resentment. She pushed herself up, the movement sending pain shooting through her limbs, reminding her how fragile she still was.

"Why are you here?" she spat, her voice hoarse and shaky. "What are you doing next to me? Shouldn't you be with Rika and those other bitches?"

Jihyun's expression shifted to one of confusion and hurt. "Hye, what are you talking about? I've been here every day, waiting for you to wake up. I'm worried about you!"

Her heart felt heavy in her chest, the familiar ache of despair clawing at her. "Worried? Is that what you call it? You're the last person I want to see right now!" She tried to push herself away from him, but the weakness in her body betrayed her, and she slumped back against the pillow, frustration boiling beneath the surface.

"Hyesoo, please..." He ran a hand through his hair, his confusion deepening. "Why would you say that? Why did you try to—"

"Try to what? Kill myself?" she interrupted sharply, her voice rising with each word. "Maybe I did it because I didn't want to live with the betrayal! I thought you were different, Jihyun!"

His face fell at her words, and she could see the hurt reflected in his eyes. "What do you mean? What betrayal? What happened while I was on the business trip?"

"While you were on the business trip? What if you tell me about what happened?!" she snapped, her anger overwhelming her senses. "I don't know, maybe you've been too busy playing house with Rika!"

He recoiled at her words, his heart aching with the weight of her anger. "Hyesoo, I don't even know what you're talking about! I was scared you would never wake up. You have to tell me why you feel this way!"

"Why I feel this way?" she echoed, incredulous. "Because I'm stuck here, alive, while I should have been free from all this pain! You think I wanted to wake up and see your face next to me?"

Tears brimmed in her eyes, her anger spilling over into a flood of emotions she couldn't contain. "Just get out! I don't want to see you!"

Jihyun's heart sank at her words. "I can't just leave you. I care about you too much. I've been here for you, Hyesoo." His voice trembled, a mixture of sadness and confusion filling the room.

"Caring? It's all lies! Just leave me alone!" she shouted, her voice breaking as she turned her face away, ashamed of the tears that began to spill down her cheeks.

He stood there, torn between wanting to comfort her and respecting her wishes.

The raw emotion in her eyes was heartbreaking, but it was also filled with a pain he couldn't fully understand. "If that's what you want, I'll go," he said softly, his voice heavy with defeat. "But I'm calling Jaehee. You need someone who can help you through this."

Without waiting for her response, he stepped out of the room, his heart heavy with a mixture of sorrow and concern. He needed to explain everything to Jaehee, to figure out how to help Hyesoo heal from the wounds that seemed too deep to fathom.

A short while later, Jaehee arrived, her face pale and drawn as she took in the sight of Hyesoo lying in the hospital bed. When she spotted Jihyun, she hurried over, her eyes filled with worry. "How is she?"

"I don't know," Jihyun replied, rubbing the back of his neck. "She woke up, but she's... she's angry and confused. I don't know how to reach her."

"Let me talk to her," Jaehee suggested, determination hardening her expression. "She needs someone she trusts."

Jihyun nodded, stepping aside as Jaehee entered the room. He watched with bated breath, hoping that Hyesoo would respond to her friend better than she had to him.

"Hey, Hyesoo," Jaehee said softly, approaching her bedside. "I'm so glad you're awake."

Hyesoo's expression darkened, and she turned her head away, refusing to meet Jaehee's gaze. "What do you want?"

"Just to talk," Jaehee replied gently. "I want to help you. You've been through so much. I can't believe you're awake."

"I wish I hadn't woken up," Hyesoo mumbled, her voice laced with bitterness. "It would have been better if I just... didn't."

"Hyesoo!" Jaehee gasped, her heart breaking at the pain in her friend's voice. "You can't think like that! We need you here. I need you here!"

Hyesoo turned to face her, the anger still simmering beneath the surface. "Why? So I can watch Jihyun play happy family with Rika?"

"That's not how it is!" Jaehee insisted, taking a step closer. "Jihyun has been here every day, worried sick about you. He's not with Rika!"

"Then why was he sitting next to me? Why was he the first face I saw when I woke up?" Hyesoo shot back, tears streaming down her face. "I don't want to see him. I don't want to see anyone!"

"Please, Hyesoo," Jaehee pleaded, her voice thick with emotion. "You're alive! You fought to come back to us! Don't throw that away. Don't push us away."

Hyesoo's expression faltered as the weight of Jaehee's words sank in. Deep down, she knew her anger was misdirected, that the feelings of betrayal were born from her own insecurities and pain. But the thought of facing the world, of confronting her feelings, felt insurmountable.

"I... I don't know how to feel," she admitted, her voice trembling. "I don't even know who I am anymore."

"You're Hyesoo," Jaehee said firmly, kneeling beside her friend's bed, holding her hand tightly. "You're strong, and you're loved. We'll get through this together. But you have to let us in. You can't do this alone."

The vulnerability in Jaehee's voice broke through some of the barriers Hyesoo had built around herself. Slowly, she let her defenses drop, allowing the hurt and confusion to wash over her. "I don't want to feel this pain anymore," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

Jaehee squeezed her hand, her heart swelling with compassion. "We'll find a way to help you, I promise. Just please, don't give up on us."

Hyesoo looked into Jaehee's eyes, searching for the truth in her words. Perhaps there was still a chance for healing, still a chance to confront the darkness that threatened to consume her.

"I'll try," she said finally, her voice barely above a whisper, a flicker of hope igniting within her.

Outside the room, Jihyun paced nervously, anxiously awaiting Jaehee's return. The weight of uncertainty hung over him, a constant reminder of the emotional turmoil that lay ahead. Whatever it took, he vowed to fight for Hyesoo, to help her rediscover the light she had once brought into their lives.

The journey would be long and fraught with challenges, but he was determined to stand by her side, ready to face whatever came next.

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