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- Logan ate that line


- You went into the phantom realm as well

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- You went into the phantom realm as well

- Basically the same way as the others


- Since he had a fun time when you first came over he kept inviting you

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- Since he had a fun time when you first came over he kept inviting you

- Sometimes with Ashlyn's permission sometimes not

- You two share the same bus stop and have started messing with each other

- Ben always has to sit in the middle of your yapping sessions


- Taylor was bandaging your injuries after you had protected her

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- Taylor was bandaging your injuries after you had protected her

- Breaking the silence you quietly said, "Sorry if you felt like I left you two behind... I don't want you to think I don't care."

- It was pretty guessable that Taylor forgave you immediately 

- Tyler wasn't as happy that you got so close with his sister though


- You sat across from him on the bus

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- You sat across from him on the bus

- Aiden and you got a long pretty quick

- Ben would use his microphone to speak so he was always in the conversations even if sometimes he didn't want to be

- Ashlyn would be dragged into the conversations as well


- You have apologized many times (although you don't know what you did wrong)

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- You have apologized many times (although you don't know what you did wrong)

- All he does is stiffly say it's not even your fault

- You saved HIM from A PHANTOM, you knew deep down he'd need help one day

- Ever since then you've basically called yourself his friend

- Probably because you've noticed how lonely he really is


- When you'd come over with seeds and plants you two would eat lunch or just talk together

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- When you'd come over with seeds and plants you two would eat lunch or just talk together

- Then he started inviting you to hang out and then you started to hang out with the whole crew

- Usually it was just you and Logan talking to each other though

- But you got a long good with everyone there

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