part 27

94 4 5

Chapter 94 Missing

The guards were about to touch Rosie to pull her away from Jimin when the man stopped them with one smooth gesture.

"What? Lisa? You mean, Lisa is here?" Jimin asked her, his voice suddenly becoming serious and his face looked like he was dumbstruck.

"Yes. She was with me but just minutes after we entered the ballroom, she suddenly disappeared. She's not answering my calls and I can't find her anywhere! She doesn't usually leave my side at parties like this... Please help me look for her."

Jimin's face became grave when he heard her. He suddenly gripped Rosie's shoulders as he spoke.

"Why did you bring her here?!" He was obviously angered and acting as though bringing Lisa here was a disaster.

What was going on?! Why was he acting like this? What was so wrong with her bringing her friend to this place?

"Huh? Why can't I bring her here?" Rosie, who was all confused by the man's unexpected outburst asked him in both curiosity and worry.

But the man didn't answer her. He simply shook his head before he ran his fingers through his hair.

"This is bad…" he mumbled, causing Rosie's heart to beat wildly.

"What do you mean –"

"Where did you last see her?" he cut her off.

"In the ballroom."

Jimin held her hand as he led her back to the ballroom.

"Are you sure you looked for her carefully? Could she have gone to the restroom? Have you checked there?"

"I looked around the ballroom for minutes and also checked the restroom but there was no sign of her."

Once they entered the ballroom, the two started scanning the crowd again, looking for her but the result was the same. If she was in there, Rosie would have been able to detect her straight away because of the unique colour of her dress but Lisa was nowhere to be found.

"Damn, she's not here!" Jimin cursed. His reaction was making Rosie feel like something really bad had happened to her best friend and she started to panic.

Before she could speak, Jimin pulled her with him again and they headed back to that hallway Jimin had run through a while ago. Jimin dragged her along as he ran as if someone was chasing after them. Thankfully Rosie had removed her high heels otherwise she wouldn't have been able to keep up with him! They turned around a corner and then they climbed up two flights of stairs. Rosie didn't have time to admire the magnificent surroundings as they sped past.

Luckily Rosie was so fit that even a marathon wouldn't be that hard for her, so their little dash didn't exhaust her.  

They entered a huge chamber which appeared to be the study room.

Jimin still didn't let go of Rosie's hand as they walked inside the study room and then through to the open doors leading to another verandah. 

A man was sitting nonchalantly on the edge, almost looking like a grim reaper waiting for the next soul that he would collect. 

The wind blew his black coat and his dark-as-midnight hair danced under its caress. Rosie gaped at the sight of him. He was just so breathtaking but his breathtaking appearance didn't outshine the darkness and coldness he was emitting. Rosie couldn't help but imagine that he might be the reincarnation of the god of slaughter or something! How could he be so beautiful yet scary at the same time? He was not even giving her a moment to enjoy his sight because she already felt like she was inside a horror movie. This pretty boy next to her holding onto her hand was the only thing that was stopping her from dashing away and running for her life. 

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