Chapter 4

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  The sound of sirens echoed through the night as Andrew and Cipher burst out of the warehouse, the thick smell of smoke and gunpowder lingering in the air. Their hearts raced, adrenaline pumping as they sprinted across the parking lot toward the shadows of the nearby alley. Behind them, the underground depot was engulfed in flames, the roar of the explosion still ringing in their ears. Guards scrambled out of the building, shouting orders and trying to assess the damage. Andrew could already see the chaos unfolding as soldiers fumbled to regroup, confusion spreading like wildfire.

  “We need to get out of sight!” Cipher urged, glancing over his shoulder. “They’ll be on high alert now.”

  Andrew nodded, pushing himself to run faster. They ducked into the alley just as gunfire erupted from the direction of the depot. Bullets ricocheted off the pavement, and Andrew felt a surge of panic as he and Cipher pressed against the cold brick wall.

  “Do you have a backup plan?” Andrew asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

  Cipher nodded, pulling out a small device from his pocket. “I’ve got a safe house nearby. It’s not far from here. We can regroup and plan our next move.”

  They crouched low, moving swiftly through the maze of alleyways. Andrew kept his weapon ready, scanning the surroundings for any signs of pursuit. He could hear the distant shouts of soldiers and the growing urgency in their voices. Harris wouldn’t let them get away easily.

  After what felt like an eternity, they reached the safe house—a nondescript building tucked away between two larger structures. Cipher quickly input a code on the door, and it swung open silently. They slipped inside, shutting the door behind them just as a squad of Harris’s soldiers stormed into the street outside.
  “Looks like we’re in the clear,” Cipher said, breathing heavily.
  Andrew locked the door and took a moment to catch his breath. The safe house was sparse, furnished with only the essentials—a table, a couple of chairs, and a small kitchenette. The walls were lined with monitors displaying various security feeds and maps of the city.

  “Let’s lay low for a bit,” Andrew suggested, rubbing the back of his neck. “We need to assess what just happened and what our next move is.”

  Cipher moved to the monitors, tapping a few keys. “I’ll check the security feeds for any sign of Harris’s forces. If they’re trying to track us, we need to know where they’re headed.”

  Andrew nodded, grabbing a seat at the table. He needed to regroup and focus. The explosion had thrown a wrench in their plans, but it also sent a clear message to Harris: they were not to be underestimated.

  As Cipher scrolled through the feeds, Andrew couldn’t shake the feeling of impending danger. He had a score to settle, and every moment wasted could lead to more casualties.

  “Here we go,” Cipher said, his eyes narrowing at the screen. “It looks like they’re mobilizing to secure the area around the depot. They’re putting up roadblocks and searching for us.

  Andrew leaned closer to the screen. “Are there any patrols nearby?”

  “Yeah, a few blocks over,” Cipher replied, his fingers dancing over the keyboard. “But they’re spread thin. Harris won’t be able to cover all his bases after this. We just need to move fast and hit him again while he’s vulnerable.”

  Andrew’s mind raced. “What about his remaining operations? If we can find where he’s hiding, we can take him out before he has a chance to retaliate.”

  Cipher nodded, shifting through various maps. “There’s another warehouse not too far from here—a distribution center for the weapons they were moving. If we hit that, we can further disrupt his supply lines.”

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