The Plan

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The next day, Wangji drove to a hotel, his mind occupied with thoughts of the person he was going to meet. As he entered the lobby, he immediately spotted a young woman sitting at one of the tables, her eyes lighting up the moment she saw him. Her name was Wang Zi Xuan, and she greeted him with a bright smile.
Wangji walked over to her and returned the smile, leaning down to kiss her on the cheek before sitting beside her. The air between them was warm, but also held a sense of urgency.
"I was waiting for you, baby," Zi Xuan said, her voice soft but carrying a hint of impatience.
"I know, Xuan. I’m sorry, I was tied up with some important work," Wangji replied, his tone calm as always.
Zi Xuan’s face showed her frustration. "But you said you’d be here by noon, and now it’s already evening," she pointed out, crossing her arms slightly.
Wangji reached out, gently taking her hand in his. "I know, baby. I’m really sorry. But I had to finish everything before coming here. You know I love you so much, right? I was working on the final steps of the plan," he explained.
Her eyes brightened with excitement as she leaned in closer. "Really? Is it done?" she asked, almost breathless.
Wangji nodded, his lips curling into a small smile. "Yes. Everything is finally in place."
Zi Xuan beamed. "So that means I can finally be yours… in a legal way?" she asked, her voice filled with hope.
"Yes, my love," Wangji said, his smile widening.
"I love you, my future hubby!" Wang Zi Xuan said happily, wrapping her arms around Wangji in a tight hug. He hugged her back, his expression soft but thoughtful.
After a few moments of comfortable silence, Zi Xuan pulled back slightly, her eyes now curious. "But how did that Weiying agree to everything so easily? I thought he would put up more of a fight," she asked, her brow furrowing.
Wangji’s face remained neutral, though his eyes flickered with something hard to read. He let out a small sigh before replying. "Weiying trusts me completely.

It was an ordinary day at the office when Weiying received a call from Wangji. He answered with his usual cheerfulness, though a bit surprised to hear from his husband during work hours.
"Hey, Lan Zhan!" Weiying said brightly, his voice full of affection. "What’s up?"
"Weiying, I want you to come home early today," Wangji said, his tone steady, but there was a hint of something different—something serious—lurking in his voice.
Weiying noticed the shift in his husband's tone but didn’t think much of it. "Alright, I'll wrap up here and be home soon. Anything special planned?" he asked, curious but trusting.
"Just come home, we’ll talk when you get here," Wangji replied before softly adding, "See you soon."
"Okay, Lan Zhan. Love you!" Weiying said with a smile and hung up, returning to finish his work.
Wangji reached home before Weiying, accompanied by a lawyer. The living room had a quiet tension as Wangji sat with the lawyer, his face calm but focused. When Weiying arrived, he saw Wangji sitting with the lawyer, who was holding a folder of important-looking documents. Weiying's face lit up when he saw his husband.
"Lan Zhan!" Weiying exclaimed, walking over to give Wangji a hug.
Wangji returned the hug, though it was brief, and gently pushed him back. "You should rest first. We can talk in a bit," Wangji said, his voice gentle but firm.
Weiying, trusting Wangji completely, nodded and headed upstairs to freshen up. Xiao Xingchen was also home that day, having skipped college. He was sitting in the living room, casually watching the interactions but growing curious and concerned about the lawyer’s presence.
After some time, Weiying came back downstairs, refreshed and ready to hear what was going on. His eyes scanned the room before settling on Wangji.
"Lan Zhan, why is Lawyer Uncle here?" Weiying asked, his tone light but curious.
Wangji exchanged a quick look with the lawyer before turning to Weiying. "Weiying, I don’t want you to worry about work or managing the company anymore," Wangji began, his voice calm and steady. "You’ve worked hard enough. You should focus on yourself now—on resting and being at home."
Weiying looked confused. "What do you mean, Lan Zhan?"
Before Wangji could reply, the lawyer spoke up. "Young Master Weiying, as per your parents' will, now that you’ve completed two years of marriage, the conditions have been met. You have the option to transfer all your assets and property to your husband if you wish."
Weiying blinked in surprise. "Oh, so that’s what this is about," he said with a soft smile. "Honestly, I’d be really happy to give something to Lan Zhan. He’s given me a family and the love I’ve wanted since childhood. Where do I need to sign?"
Before the lawyer could respond, Xiao Xingchen, who had been listening quietly all this time, suddenly stood up. "Wei Gege, wait!" he said, his face serious. "Why do you need to give all your property to Wangji Gege? He’s already at the top. He doesn’t need anything more."
Weiying turned to his cousin, his smile still gentle. "I know, Xingchen, but I want my husband to be the best in the world. It’s not about the money or power—it’s about supporting him like he’s always supported me."
Xiao Xingchen frowned, clearly unhappy with the decision. He wanted to protest further, but before he could, Lan Yi, Wangji’s grandmother, came downstairs, her presence commanding as always.
"Wangji is right," she said in her calm but authoritative voice. "Now is the time for you to focus on your family, Weiying. I want grandchildren, and you don’t need to work anymore. You should live here in the mansion like a king, with nothing to worry about."
Weiying blushed at the mention of children, growing shy under Lan Yi’s gaze. He glanced over at Wangji, who was watching him intently. Despite the uncertainty he felt, Weiying trusted his family’s wishes. He nodded shyly and looked at the lawyer.
"Alright, I’ll sign the papers," Weiying said, his voice soft.
Without reading through the documents, he picked up the pen and signed where the lawyer indicated, not realizing what he was truly giving away. Xiao Xingchen watched from a distance, his frustration evident, but he knew he couldn’t change Weiying’s mind. Feeling helpless, he got up and left the room, shaking his head as he walked away.
Wangji, on the other hand, looked pleased. A small, proud smile crossed his face as Weiying finished signing the papers. Lan Yi gave a subtle thumbs-up to Wangji,

Flashback End

Wangji sat beside Zi Xuan, watching as she processed the information he had just shared about Weiying signing the papers.
"Weiying is such a fool," Zi Xuan said with a small, dismissive laugh. "He doesn’t even know what he’s done, does he?"
Wangji remained silent, his face emotionless as he stared at the table. He didn’t respond to her comment, though it was clear he had nothing more to say about Weiying at that moment. Zi Xuan, sensing the shift in his mood, leaned closer to him.
"You’re really not going to say anything about it?" she asked, her tone curious, but Wangji simply shook his head.
"I’m leaving now," Wangji said abruptly, standing up and smoothing down his jacket. "Weiying must be home by now or will be there any moment."
Zi Xuan pouted a little, standing up as well. "Already? You’ve only just gotten here."
Wangji leaned down and pressed a soft kiss on her forehead. "I’ll see you soon," he said calmly before turning toward the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01 ⏰

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