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"You're here"
Yim said to him as he looks at Nunew from head to toe. His face is half covered by his mask.

"But there are no female performers tonight"
Yim pointedly said.

"Y-Yim I - "

"We cant talk here. Follow my car"
Yim flatly told him as he goes back to his car.

Nunew watch him start his engine as he stays frozen on his spot. Yim flashed his lights on Nunew before sounding his horn which made Nunew flinch.

He sighed and deflatedly walked back to his car. He started his engine and followed Yim out of the parking lot. His grip on his steering wheel is so tight that his knuckles turn white. He nervously chew on his chip as he think of all the ways on how to explain why he was there.

Their own houses are way too far and Yim cant wait to talk to his friend. So he decided to go somewhere where in it's private and they can talk freely. Somewhere that it wouldnt be uncommon to see Nunew and him at that time of the night.

Nunew followed Yim as his car parks infront of a karaoke house. They wordlessly walked in and Yim rented one of the rooms at furthest side of the building. He also ordered drinks and some finger foods as this would probably be a long night for them.

They entered the room and Yim sat on the fake leather sofa. He looked as Nunew stayed standing and playing with his fingers.

"Why are you standing there like a child who is about to be punished? Sit down here you idiot"
Yim tells him.

He then picked a random songs and loaded them. If they want to talk as privately as they want, they would need some noise so even if the doors accidentally open no one will hear them.

Nunew shuffles and sits next to Yim. His heart is about to burst and his eyes are welling up with tears.

Yim faces Nunew

"Are you going to tell me why you are visiting that club when you told me before that you dont want to? Or are you going to let me tell you what Im assuming right now?"
Yim frankly told Nunew.

Nunew bit his lip and stayed silent making Yim give out a deep sigh.

"Okay then. If you wont say anything, then I will"
Yim said to Nunew.

"You finally accepted that you're gay"
Yim simply said.

Nunew flinched. He didnt expect that Yim will just blurt it out like that.

Nunew looked up from his lap and unto Yim's face. He was expecting disgust, anger, distaste. But Yim's face is filled with sadness instead.

"Nunew. Im not angry at you."
Yim started saying. He sighed again and reached out for Nunew's hand.

"Im sad. Im upset that you didnt trust me enough, me and nat. Yes it's your own choice on how and when you will come out to others. But we are not just other people Nunew. We're brothers. And finding it out like this makes me feel like you didnt see us as one."
Yim sadly said.

Nunew's tears then poured down. His shoulders shake as he starts crying.

"Im sorry"
Nunew said, he squeezed Yim's hand as if he is hanging on to his lifeline.

"Im so sorry."

Yim then pulled him in for a hug. He rubbed Nunew's back. He held him tight and didnt say a word until Nunew has finally calmed down.

When Nunew's shoulders stopped shaking, he let him go sat him straight. He took some tissues and started wiping Nunew's face.

"Nat and I knew. We've known it for a long time Nunew"
Yim softly said.

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