*A gentle heart on a cruel world*

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Chapte 1: A Gentle Heart in a Cruel World

The Kim mansion was unusually quiet that morning.

Y/N sat at her writing desk, her fingers moving gracefully over her laptop's keyboard as she worked on her latest manuscript.

The words flowed effortlessly, her mind completely immersed in the world she was creating.

Writing had always been her escape-a way to distance herself from the darkness that surrounded her family.

She paused, looking at the photo frame sitting on the edge of her desk. It was a picture of her and her brothers, taken years ago when they were still children, before the weight of their father's legacy had fallen on their shoulders.

Their smiles were pure and genuine, untouched by the cruelty of the world they now lived in.

She traced her fingers over the image, her heart aching with nostalgia.

A soft knock on the door pulled her from her thoughts. "Come in," she called, her voice gentle.

The door opened, and Taehyung entered, his expression softening the moment he saw her.

Despite his cold demeanor to the rest of the world, Taehyung was always different around Y/N.

He walked over to her, glancing at her screen. "Writing again?" he asked, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

Y/N nodded, closing her laptop. "Yes, just finishing up a chapter.

What brings you here?" she asked, her eyes searching his face.

She could tell something was bothering him-she always could.

Taehyung sighed, sitting down on the edge of her desk.

"It's about the deal we made yesterday. I know it was necessary, but I can't help but feel..." He trailed off, his eyes darkening. He hated the life they were forced to live-the danger, the violence.

But he knew there was no escaping it, not for them.

Y/N reached out, placing a hand on his.

"You did what you had to do, Taehyung.

You and Jungkook are doing everything you can to protect us, and I'm so proud of you both."

Her voice was filled with warmth, her eyes shining with love.

Taehyung looked at her, his heart swelling at her words.

She was their strength, their reason to keep going. "We just want to keep you safe, noona," he said quietly. "After what happened to mom... we can't lose you too."

Y/N's eyes softened, and she stood, wrapping her arms around him in a comforting hug.

"You won't lose me," she whispered. "I'm not going anywhere. I'll always be here for you and Jungkook. No matter what."

Taehyung held her tightly, his cold exterior melting away in her embrace.

For a moment, he wasn't a mafia king-he was just her little brother, the boy who had always looked up to her, who had always needed her.

The door opened again, and Jungkook entered, a smile spreading across his face at the sight of them.

"Am I missing out on a family hug?" he teased, walking over and wrapping his arms around them both.

Y/N laughed, pulling him closer. "Of course not, Kookie. There's always room for you."

The three of them stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, a sense of peace settling over them.

In that moment, they weren't mafia kings or CEOs-they were just a family, bound by love and a promise to protect each other, no matter what.

Y/N pulled back, her eyes shining with mischief. "Now, enough of this serious talk. Who wants breakfast? I made pancakes," she said, her voice playful.

Jungkook's eyes lit up, and he grinned. "Pancakes? You know they're my favorite!"

Taehyung chuckled, shaking his head. "You're spoiling us, noona."

Y/N smiled, her heart filled with warmth. "That's what big sisters are for."

As they made their way to the kitchen, the laughter and warmth between them filled the mansion, a stark contrast to the cold, dangerous world they lived in. No matter how dark things became, they always had each other-and that was enough.


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