Let's save the boy

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The prince hesitated for only a moment before instinct took over. He knelt beside the unconscious boy, his heart beating fast in his chest. The cool night air brushed against his skin as he leaned closer, the soft glow of the moon highlighting the boy’s delicate features. Scarde’s hands trembled slightly as he gently touched the boy’s arm, checking for any sign of life. His skin was cool, but there was still a faint pulse—relief washed over Scarde.

As his eyes moved down the boy’s body, they caught sight of something that made his heart skip a beat. The once-pristine white silk of the boy’s robe was stained, a dark mark spreading across the fabric at his stomach. Scarde’s breath quickened as he carefully examined the area. The boy’s robe clung to him, wet from the water, and Scarde could see that the fabric was saturated where the dark stain had spread. He gently lifted the edge of the robe, revealing that the boy's abdomen was the source.

Scarde quickly tore a strip from his own tunic, pressing it gently but firmly against the boy's stomach, hoping to slow the spreading stain.
-Stay with me,- he whispered, unsure if the boy could hear him. Though fear gnawed at the back of his mind, Scarde’s determination held firm. He had to act quickly, to do whatever he could to help.

After tying the makeshift bandage around the boy’s stomach as best as he could, Scarde exhaled, his hands trembling from the adrenaline and tension. He couldn't leave the boy here, not in the middle of the forest, not in this condition. Glancing around at the silent woods, he knew there was no other choice. He had to get him back to the safety of the town—no, further than that. He would take him all the way to the castle, where healers could tend to his wounds properly.

With great care, Scarde lifted the boy onto his back, adjusting his weight so he could carry him more comfortably. The boy felt light, too light, as though he hadn’t eaten properly in days. Scarde’s grip tightened around the boy’s legs to keep him secure, and with a final glance at the now still stream, he started his journey back.

As he walked, the prince couldn’t help but notice something strange. The forest, which had seemed so menacing and foreboding earlier, now looked almost... peaceful. The trees no longer appeared twisted or decayed; their bark was smooth, the leaves a healthy green. The shadows that had danced at the edge of his vision before were gone, replaced by gentle shafts of moonlight filtering through the canopy above. The eerie silence had lifted too, replaced by the soft rustle of leaves in the wind and the occasional hoot of an owl.

Scarde paused briefly, glancing around in confusion. The path he had taken deeper into the forest had been shrouded in darkness and dread, yet now, as he made his way back, it looked like any ordinary forest at night. He couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease at the transformation. Had the forest been playing tricks on him? Or had something changed when he found the boy?

Shaking his head, Scarde pushed the thoughts aside. There was no time to dwell on it now. His focus had to be on getting the boy to safety. The woods may have lost their sinister air, but the weight on his back reminded him that the boy’s condition was still serious.

-I don't care,- he muttered to himself, adjusting his grip and moving forward with more resolve. Whatever strange magic had been at play in the forest, it didn’t matter now. The only thing that mattered was reaching the town—and the safety of the castle—before it was too late.

Scarde’s steps quickened as the faint glow of the town's lanterns came into view. He could see the protective barrier shimmering faintly around the city, the magical shield that kept the town safe from creatures of the night and other dangers lurking beyond. The fact that he passed through it so easily with the unconscious boy on his back didn’t strike him as strange at first. He was too focused on getting the boy to safety, his mind set on the castle’s gates ahead.

But a nagging thought crept into his mind as he crossed into the town limits. The barrier was powerful—it had kept countless creatures out, even powerful ones. If this boy were a monster, something dangerous, surely the barrier wouldn’t have let him through. Right? He glanced over his shoulder at the figure slumped against him, the boy’s hair still flowing down his back like liquid silver, his face peaceful despite the ordeal.

-Or if...- Scarde muttered to himself, the thought too unsettling to finish. Could the boy be something more than he seemed? Could he be hiding his true nature, slipping past the barrier unnoticed? The prince shook his head, dismissing the thought. No, the barrier would have kept out anything evil, anything monstrous. He had to trust that.

Still, a flicker of doubt lingered in the back of his mind as he moved quietly through the city streets, avoiding the main paths where the festival was still in full swing. The laughter and music echoed faintly in the distance, but Scarde kept to the shadows, ducking into narrow alleys and side streets to avoid the celebrating crowds. He couldn’t risk being seen, not with an unconscious boy on his back and blood staining his clothes. It would raise too many questions, questions he wasn’t ready to answer yet.

The city felt different now, quieter somehow, despite the ongoing festivities. The flickering streetlamps cast long, wavering shadows as Scarde navigated his way through familiar streets, his mind racing with the events of the night. He glanced again at the boy, wondering what he had gotten himself into. Who was this boy, and why had he been out in the cursed forest? And why had the barrier allowed them both to pass through so easily?

The looming spires of the castle finally came into view as Scarde rounded a corner, the massive structure standing tall and silent against the night sky. Relief washed over him—he had made it. Now, all that was left was to get the boy inside, where healers could tend to him, and maybe, just maybe, he could find some answers.

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