The End Is Finally Nigh! The series finale of Anakin's light side finally draws to an end for the final battle against the Sith across universes through the Worlds Between Worlds and for those who do not know the tragic news James Earl Jones the voi...
Luke was more surprised to see Master Yoda for the Yoda from his universe had died but to know he was in another universe he knew it wasn't the same Yode
None the less he was still relieve to see his old master alive again
Luke: Master Yoda.
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Yoda: Know my name how do you? Know you do I?
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Luke: In.....a way. I'm from another universe but I was brought here by the World Between Worlds along with Anakin Skywalker. I'm a Jedi like you and him.
Ahsoka: You know Anakin? Where is he?
Luke: I don't know. We were separated. We were following a Sith Lord named Darth Vader who tried to gain access to this world. But something....attacked us and we got separated. I just hope he's here somewhere.
Ahsoka: If you're a Jedi then who are you?
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Luke: I'm Luke Skywalker. I'm his son. At least I am from my world.
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