A Day To Remember

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November 29, 2014 10:05 am
I'm currently in the house of Julius Snow, my bestfriend since I first moved into Prep International a year back. He's about 5'5 and a bit chunky. He has brown and shaggy hair. He claimed to be pure filipino and I doubted him because he has pale skin and eyes the color of hazel. We're planning to go to the school fair of Lansing University, an all girls school, but as usual I have to wait for him to finish taking his shower. I have nothing to do.. just in his bedroom.. laying down on his bed... waiting... Wow this is boring. I decide to sit up and in front of me was the door with a mirror attached to it. I'm 5'7 (I check weekly. Sad to say I have a feeling I won't grow anymore.) I workout a bit at the gym in my house, I'm not strong though, maybe I'm about average. I'm thin and I weight a bit less than average people my height. I have black hair which combs to my left, black eyes and tan skin. I notice my jawline though, finally, one thing that I think I can consider attractive about myself. I approach the mirror and right when I smile and check myself out, the door opens and the mirror hits me right in the face. "Ohh sorry" I hear laughter and Julius is there, dressed up and finally ready to move out. "Let's go?" he asks me while on his phone, constantly smiling. "Yeah, I guess. Who are you sending messages to?" I ask while moving to an angle closer to the mirror where I can see my face, to make sure it's not even more broken than it already is. "The others, I'm telling them to meet us there... And that I slammed the door on your face.". He laughs again and I couldn't help but laugh too, but I punch his shoulder as a sign of saying "do that again and you'll regret it." I'm gonna get some sleep on the way there, it's 2 hours away so.. see ya, Alex.

November 29, 2014 12:11 pm
Julius decides to wake me up by slapping me and the first thing I do is slap him and stare at him. "Wake up, Chris, WAKE UP" he says and he slaps me again "I'M AWAKE WHY DO YOU THINK MY EYES ARE OPEN" And I slap him back. Okay so we're here now, in the entrance, a bit nervous. "Entrance ticket is 50 pesos" the girl says and I didnt realize she was talking to me until Julius bumps me "Oh um yeah here you go" I give her a hundred because that was my smallest bill. "For two?" she asks and before I say no, Julius beats me to it and says yes. The moment my two feet were inside the fair grounds, a necktie was wrapped around me "oh hi Chris!" Cara says while she leads me to a dress me up booth. I look at Julius for help but he's just laughing at me and pointing at his phone, he probably planned this with Cara. Right after he puts his phone in his pocket, three neckties fly around him and he is pulled into the same booth as I, obviously a grin forms on my face. The moment we arrived, Julius and I weren't even laughing anymore, there were so many costumes, a fairy princess costume, a dress, a tiara, the things they would sell in a toy store during halloween. "You first" Cara says and she stretches her hand to me, holding a container full of paper. I pick a piece of paper out "Fairy princess" and her friend stretches out another container of paper "5 rounds around the field" NO NO NO NO NO. I beg her to allow me to change and she bargains that she'll let me wear the winnie the pooh costume but I'll have to walk 10 rounds in the field, of course I would take it.
I just put on the costume, I look a little bit funny because it was too small on me, it ended half a foot above my ankles and 3 inches from my wrists. "Let's go" Cara says and she puts the necktie around me again to make sure I follow her around the field. Music was really loud as I pass the stage when suddenly I hear a familiar voice from the speakers. "Happy walking, Chris." I look over and I see Randie teasing me. A bit embarrassing, having my name said with all these people but it was also a little funny so I stick my tongue out to her and continue moving. 1.2.3. 3 rounds "CARA I'M TIRED CAN YOU LET ME GO?" I ask "You have to do 7 more!!". I make this poor excuse of a puppy dog face "Ugh fine" she says and she leads me back to the booth where I finally strip off the costume. I look at Cara from head to toe since it's been a while since I last saw her, she's about half a foot shorter than me. She really does look different, her hair is red-ish brown, she has skin a bit darker than mine, and it suits her. She has long eyelashes and her teeth are caged in braces, colored blue just like her shirt and shoes. Just then, Julius walks up beside me wearing a beautiful sundress that's end is closer to his groin than it is to his knees "Damn man, you look fab-U-lous." I say, bringing out my phone and I take a selfie with him.

November 29, 2014 3:30 pm
Finished eating, talking to my friends blah blah. Anyway, Randie's shift is finally over and we're standing in front of the stage with a huge group of people and I don't know a single one of them, so obviously I just stand up there and allow Randie and Julius to socialize. A particular sentence catches my attention "Hey Randie's bae." I look for wherever that voice came and I see someone looking at me with a smile "Hey Randie's bae." she repeats. Well let's get one thing straight, Randie and I are great friends, as in great great great friends, nothing more, nothing less. I smile at her and I nod. I don't understand, but I felt myself blushing. Fast forward, talking, food, walking, etc etc. There you go.. I'm sitting on the stage, Cara next to me and she is talking to her friends beside her and in front of her. I remain quiet on the other hand. Julius joined the other group, so being alone and all, I barge into their topics once in a while and I make new friends. I'm actually enjoying, all I'm doing is playing with a water bottle attached to a string. "Heyyo" Randie interrupts my play time, next to her was that girl from a while ago and Randie talked to me for a while about the fair, I said it was great of course. "Anyway, Imma go to the others, see ya." and she just leaves. I expected the girl to follow her but instead she sits next to me and suddenly I'm so secure about everything. I straighten my back, yes posture is key, I drop the water bottle, I pretend to look like I'm observing the fair. You know how guys work, we usually try to act cool if we don't know the person yet. Deep inside though, I'm extremely nervous. Yes, boys get nervous too. That is something very important. Anyway, I take a look at her and she looks great.She has smooth hair that go along together, not at all messy, it's like she spent an hour combing it. She has asian eyes, or umm, squinted? Idk. Her lips are red and she's probably the same height as Julius. Right then, she looked at me and I just realized I was staring at her. "Oh hey, can you hold my stuff for a while?" She said. "Oh sure" I said. She gave me her bag and got off the stage "Oh right, what's your name again?" I ask her. She looks at me and smiles, wow she's beautiful. "I'm Alana" and walks away to join someone. Anyway, back to what I was doing, playing with the water bottle, being alone blah blah. I still can't help but to think about her, the way she smiled, the way her eyes squinted and the way her lips gave way to her teeth. So I observe the field and start looking for her, curious about the guy she went with. Well I forgot to mention, I have eye glasses, however I only wear them in school or in movies, I don't bring them out to events like these. So every face from 50 feet onwards was a blur to me so I just got off the stage and started walking.

November 29, 2014 5:30 pm
Hi, I was walking around alone a while ago but I caught up with Kem who also seemed like he was looking for someone. "Oh hey Kem, I kind of forgot the name of who owns this." I told him and he calls someone, Adrian or something, I forgot his name. "Hey can you help this guy out?" Kem tells him. "Do you know who owns this? I forgot her name so..." I look at him and I mouth the word woops. He smiles and he asks for a description of her, "Umm, she has amazing hair, she's wearing a white shirt with stripes." "Oh, that's Alana's bag. No problem, I'll give it back to her." He says and he takes the leather bag from me. "Thank you, please tell her I said sorry too." I say as he walks away. Alana I have to remember that. Alana. Alana. Alana. Anyway, Kem and I aren't close so I start my search for Julius. I find him alone in the jail booth, sitting on the floor. "Chris, get me out of here, please, I'll be stuck here for 20 more minutes."   He says, showing me his empty wallet. "What did you do this time?" I asked and took a picture of him with my phone. "Your mom!" He said, laughing really hard at his joke. "Goodluck getting out of there." I said and walked to Kem, socialized with him and got to know him a bit more for about 20 minutes. "Heyyo how was the jail booth?" I asked, "your mom was worth it." he said and started laughing, I once again, walked away. Sadly, without the fence blocking his way, he followed me.We're all being called to the field now and this is one heck of a crowd. "May we end this fair with a closing prayer." Randie says, back on the stage. In complete silence (I never knew crowds this big can be so silent) we pray together, yes amen amen. After that, she starts playing music, I think this is called EDM. Everyone is jumping up and down to the beat with only 4 words in the song, Eat Sleep Rave Repeat. Well I have no idea what they're doing "JULIUS WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?" I shout over the cheer of the crowd. "WE'RE RAVING, JOIN US." He said. So this is what it's called... Rave. I never knew that. "No thank you, I'm good." I wait the rave out and I'm literally the only guy in the crowd standing up with a poker face. Julius stops, sweating and gasping for air. He looks at his phone and his eyes widen, he cups his hands around my ears "MY CAR IS THERE, LET'S GO HOME." Yes finally.. And off we go

November 29, 2014 11:00 pm
Wow I am exhausted. Alex, there probably won't be any events for a while. I'll get back to you when anything comes up, for now I'm going to sleep. Alana... Alana... Alana... I'll remember that name the next day. For now, goodnight Alex. Thank you for reading.

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