Chapter 2

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The late afternoon sun bathed the small town in a golden glow, casting long shadows across the cobblestone streets. Eric glanced over at Sophia, who was sitting in the passenger seat of his truck, her fingers tapping rhythmically against her knee. She looked out the window with a slight smile, as if lost in thought.

"Almost there," Eric said, breaking the comfortable silence. His eyes flicked back to the road, but he couldn't help stealing another glance at her.

Sophia turned to him, her brown eyes sparkling in the sunlight. "This is cute. I didn't think small towns had festivals like this."

"Well, we like to surprise people," he chuckled. "It's not much, but it's ours."

He pulled the truck into a dirt lot at the edge of the festival, the sound of distant laughter and live music floating through the air. The smell of grilled food wafted toward them as they stepped out, and Eric noticed the way Sophia's face lit up when she caught the scent.

"Smells like heaven," she said, taking a deep breath. She pulled her hair into a loose ponytail, her movements deliberate and fluid.

Eric grinned. "You like street food?"

"Who doesn't?"

They walked side by side, close enough that their arms occasionally brushed. Eric could feel the tension—the good kind. The kind that made him feel like a teenager on his first date.

The festival was bustling with activity: children ran past with cotton candy in hand, a band played folk tunes near the main square, and vendors called out to passersby to sample their wares. Bright banners flapped in the light breeze, adding to the lively atmosphere.

"Where should we start?" Sophia asked, scanning the stalls with eager eyes.

"Food, obviously," Eric replied, pointing to a booth where an older man was grilling kebabs over an open flame. "That smell's been driving me crazy since we parked."

They made their way to the stall and ordered two kebabs, the spicy aroma even stronger up close. Eric handed one to Sophia and they wandered off to the side, finding a quiet spot near a wooden fence.

"So," Eric began, biting into his kebab, "what's the verdict?"

Sophia chewed thoughtfully before nodding. "Delicious. Spicy, but not overwhelming."

"I knew you had good taste," he teased, nudging her gently with his elbow.

She laughed, the sound light and easy. "Don't get cocky, Eric. We're only on kebabs. You still have to impress me with dessert."

"Challenge accepted."

As they finished their food, they wandered deeper into the festival. The sun was beginning to dip lower, casting the sky in soft shades of pink and orange. They stopped at a booth selling handmade crafts, and Sophia picked up a small, intricately carved wooden bird.

"This is beautiful," she said softly, running her fingers over the smooth wood. Her expression softened, and for a moment, Eric saw something flicker behind her eyes—something wistful, maybe even sad.

"You like birds?" Eric asked, leaning in a little closer, curious.

Sophia smiled, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "I used to, yeah."

Before he could ask more, she set the bird down and turned toward the sound of music drifting from the main square. Her smile brightened again. "Dance with me?"

Eric blinked, caught off guard. "Uh, I mean, I'm not exactly—"

"Oh, come on," she urged, grabbing his hand before he could protest further. "It'll be fun."

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⏰ Last updated: 10 hours ago ⏰

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