[Y/n's POV]
Sitting on the couch while drinking some tea and reading a book was on my list today. And that's exactly what I'm doing.
Taehyung had barely let me move these past few days, never letting me help clean and carrying me around everywhere.
Yesterday I tried to get him to let me go back to university, stating that I definitely had lots I needed to catch up on, but he only said 'you're not going back yet'.
So I was determined to change his mind sometime today, I missed Yuna and I really want to see her.
When I got my new phone from him I automatically went to add her number so I could call her.
She freaked out on me screaming multiple phrases like-
"Where have you been!?"
"Do you know how worried I was!?"
"You have lots of explaining to do!"
And the most important question.
"When are you coming back?"
Heck I wish I knew, I've been longing to go back believe it or not. It's been so boring here alone.
Yes I was alone.
Since the mafia thing was no longer a secret, all three of the boys went to 'work'.
Who knows what they're doing.
I'm not sure what I'm going to tell Yuna. I can't really tell her the truth. As much as I hate lying, I know her reaction will be the farthest thing from good.
Taehyung agreed it was best to keep it a secret from her, but he gave me the decision to decide.
As I drink another sip of my tea and my eyes drift off of my book, I find it odd that I didn't freak out when I heard about the mafia. I guess I was so focused on my dad that I didn't even think about it. But now it seems so surreal. But I know I can trust Taehyung with all of my heart.
I trust all three of them to never hurt me.
Everything happened so fast back then, all the feelings came rushing forward afterwards. And now I'm just okay with everything right now.
I want to see my dad so badly to make sure he's okay, but I know better than to go alone now... I'll need Taehyung with me, that's for sure.
He had assigned multiple bodyguards for me that stay to the sides where I can't see them. I was fine with it since I almost died.
I considered calling my dad but I decided I wanted to talk to him in person.
Checking the date on my phone, it was November 1st today. My birthday was coming up soon on the 12th.
Taehyung doesn't know that.
Oops, I should probably tell him once he gets back.
Standing up, I stretch my arms and legs in different angles making multiple popping sounds.
Hopefully that's normal.
Since Taehyung wasn't here to stop me and I was bored out of my mind, I could clean. I laugh out loud as I make my way to the kitchen to wash my cup and the remaining dishes in the sink.
Those three men left their coffee mugs this morning, so guess whose cleaning it. I hum a tune to myself as I do so, drying them and putting them away, reaching on my tippy toes since I can barely reach.
Grabbing a sponge near the sink, I begin to clean the tables and anything else that looks like it needs it.
That lasts about 15 minutes before I'm done.

FanficThis is a Kim Taehyung fanfiction. _______________________________________________ Everyone gasped as the almighty Kim Taehyung slowly moved forward and then actually kneeled down in front of a standing Soobin before joining his hands, "I killed you...