In the past decades, aquaculture has been one of themost promising production industries. It is thecontrolled process of cultivating aquatic organismsthat is being used, particularly for humanconsumption. It's a similar concept to agriculture, butwith fish instead of plants or livestock. Aquaculture isalso referred to as fish farming. The seafood that youfind at your local grocery store is likely labeled asfarmed fish. Aquaculture can happen all over theworld, either in coastal ocean waters, freshwaterponds and rivers, or even on land in tanks. Severalstudies, like the study of Yongqiang Zhao et al.(2020), have suggested that changes in theproduction process, especially those related tonutritional and feeding interventions may have animpact on the final quality of farmed animal foodproducts, including those from aquaculture.
One of the examples of an integrated approach toclosing the gap between consumers' responses andaquaculture products is the sensorial quality aspectsthat could be altered by the inclusion of newalternative protein and lipid sources in aquafeed.Applied research efforts in aquaculture shouldrecognize the significance of consumers' behavior andpreferences with the aim of making this industryeconomically sustainable. Until now, sensory researchin aquaculture has been developed in different waysdepending on the commercial interests of the speciesimplicated. The sensory analyses generally used inaquaculture were identified in four main applicationresearch areas: nutrition and feeding, productionaspects, quality products, and marketing topics(Calanche et al., 2019). The existence of snappingshrimp (Alpheus sp.) is very timely, as it's one of themost promising marine products that have greaterpotential for aquaculture production. Knowing itsbiology and habitat classification, with the addition ofseveral trials of experiment conducted, this specieshas a high opportunity for mass production. Snappingshrimp is one of the fishery resources that areabundant in the town of Calape, Bohol. They liveparticularly in coastal areas with a wide intertidalzone, mangroves, and rich mud banks. This species islocally known as "takla" because of its very uniquesounds and is considered a seafood delicacy in themunicipality. Shrimp that is among the worlds fastestand that produces the loudest sounds underwater.They use the sound to communicate with one anotherand to defend their territory (Baobao et al., 2015).
The abundance of snapping shrimp in the locality wasone of the factors that the researchers considered indeveloping processed cold cuts, which are generallytermed luncheon meat. Luncheon meat is a type ofcooked meat that is often sold in tins. It is a mixtureof meat and other ingredients. It is convenient andshelf-stable. One of the biggest benefits of luncheonmeat is that it is convenient and easy to prepare whenrunning short on time or with limited ingredientsavailable. It is also shelf-stable, which makes itsimpler to stock up on compared to perishableprotein foods like chicken or beef. In addition tothese, luncheon meat has healthy benefits; it providessmall amounts of vitamin C, magnesium, folate, andcalcium. Luncheon meat is high in calories, fat, andsodium but also contains some protein, zinc,potassium, iron, and copper (Harcourt, 2010).
Eating cold cuts like luncheon meat is convenient; nocutting or cooking is required. Simply buy the meat,slap it on the sand or in a wrap, and head out thedoor. They are also high in protein and beneficialvitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, and vitaminB12. On the flip side, they are high in saturated fat,both of which you'll want to be especially wary of ifyou have heart disease or high blood pressure(Younkin, 2017). Luncheon meat is a canned lunchmeat product. It has a salty and slightly spicy hamflavor with a moist and spongy texture similar tosausage patties. You can eat uncooked luncheon meatbecause it is already steamed; it can be eaten straightfrom the can and requires minimal preparation priorto eating. It is also highly versatile and can be addedto a wide variety of recipes. One of the first things youneed to know about canned meats or luncheon meatis that they are almost always already cooked(Miranda, 2020). Generations of Filipinos love eatingprocessed cold cuts of luncheon meat regularly, typically sliced or diced, then stir-fried and served ona bed of steamed rice, sometimes with a fried egg. It isnow devoured in 44 countries worldwide, but it firstcame to life in 1937 in the small town of Austin,Minnesota. Fried, baked, boiled, or braised, the porkbased luncheon meat was first a hit in the US duringthe great depression and then in Asia after World WarII. It is noticeable that people are very busy and arealways in a hurry nowadays. The number of groceriesand manufacturers of canned goods like luncheonmeat is increasing because people have less time tocook and prepare their own food. Canned goods arethe best choice for an emergency food supply. Cannedgoods luncheon meat can provide protein of highnutritional value for what is considered a highlynutritious food.
Aquaculture and sensometric characteristics of minimally processed snapping
Non-FictionSensory research in aquaculture has been developed in different ways depending on the commercial interests of the species implicated. The application of aquaculture research has shown tremendous impact for the continued growth of the industry needs...