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It was raining outside. The only sounds were the rain dropping onto the roof and footsteps.

The footsteps were quick. They knew something was wrong, really wrong.

It shouldn't be this quiet. There should be voices talking, joking or laughing.

But it was quiet.

The footsteps got quicker, slowly approaching the room.

Inside the room the light was dim. Only one candle on the night stand was light the room.

Four persons were lying in the room. Their bodies covered in blood. So much blood.

One person groans and tries to get up. Their head aches. The person grabs into his pocket and gets out a small silver device. It wasn't a phone, still it rang like one. The persons taps on a button on the phone and the ringing stops.

Then they hear the footsteps. They're now before the door.
The person groans again. They know it's over, they've lost. They're all gonna die.

The person outside the room enters. Their eyes fixed on the four persons on the floor.

A smile reaches the guys face.

"Finally" he mutters and approaches them.

"Now it's over, you've lost" he laughs.

He stands there and watches with a smug expression as the life drains out of the people's face.

But instead of turning to ash, their skin begins to glow. The guys grin fades.

A light fills the room and before he can react the light escapes through a window.

His eyes widen.

"No!" he screams.

This isn't supposed to happen, they should have turned to ash with their abilities, but instead their ability's disappeared into the night.

The guy runs a hand through his hair, he knows he messed up. He needs to find the ability's and kill them, otherwise the whole world is in danger.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2024 ⏰

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