That Night

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Tossing and turning on his bed on a stormy night, the tattooed mutant with long black hair and dark skin lyes in bed. He was dreaming, dreaming about his former self. The life he once had with his girlfriend, his friends who were in The Guardians but now everything was falling apart. His dark brown eyes opened as he sat up. His roommate wasn't here which made him curious but whatever. He sat up and put on his basketball shorts and his tank top that had King Kong on it. He puts on his shoes and walks out, he needed to take a walk to clear his head. He kept walking in the cold breezy night until he saw a woman talking to another woman. She was a black woman that had poofy hair and a yellow shirt on. She had dark brown eyes and shorts on as well. Her name was Hestia. Jose had met her before. He felt as though she was extremely gorgeous but he didn't want to come off as a jerk since both of them have been hanging out for the past few weeks now.

The other woman had long brown hair and was white. She had a long sleeved shirt on with sweatpants. She was around the same height as Hestia and had hazel eyes. Her name was Katrina. The two women turned and looked at Jose as he walked. Hestia smiled and waved. "You ok?" She asks. He nods slightly. "Yeah I um...I just couldn't sleep that well." He says as he looks around slightly. "Do you wanna talk about it?" He opens his mouth to say yes but closes it and shakes his head. "No...I'm fine." He says softly. Hestia looks at him worryingly. Katrina starts to walk off so they can be alone. "I don't want to bother you." Jose says. "But I care enough to talk to you." She smiles a bit, trying to make him feel better. He looks at her with a worried expression before sighing. "Okay then." He sighs as they go and sit down on a bench. He turns to her. "It's just...I want to move on. I'm over her but it still hurts, everything hurts." He says.

Hestia nods and hugs him. He hugs her back. "What do I do..?" He asks. "You do what you can." She replies softly. He nods and hugs her more. He thought about everything that led him up to this point while his roommate was out. His roommate wasn't who he said he was. His roommate leapt from building to building, swinging with his chain whips. He was a vigilante. He had a mask with massive pointy eyebrows on it along with clear eyes. He had what seemed to be a boomerang symbol as well. His suit was fully black and gray with some streamlines. He landed on a ledge and looked down at the street while the cars drive. He continued looking around until he sees a speeding car, pushing other cars out of the way. "Hero time." He says as he swings towards the vehicle. He lands on it and turns his hand invisible. He punches straight through the roof of the car and grabbed the steering wheel to put it in a different position. Everytime he turned invisible, he was practically invulnerable. He turns it and sends it into the side of a building causing it to crash. He didn't destroy the car nor kill them. He sighs and pulls them out, tying them up with his chains. "The hell you guys doing, stealing candy?" They raise an eyebrow. "I could've done better." Orange Arachnid says. He goes to the trunk and opens it to see if there's anything in the car at all.

He finds a black case and pops it open. He saw pouches of blood. "Why do yall have blood?" He asks the group that was tied up. "He'll come after you for stopping us!" Says one of them. "Who?" He says as he walks closer to them as he lifted them up by the chain. "Ok! Ok! It's Dracula! The King In Black!" He says in fear. There was a couple of seconds of silence before Arachnid laughs. "Dracula? I know there are gods and monsters but out of all of them you chose a vampire to help your story out?" There was a loud stomp. He turns quickly now seeing the red eyed man. He had a cape along with an old fashioned tuxedo. "Oh child, there is no story. I'm starving and I need to eat."

Orange Arachnid/Honey Badger Halloween NightWhere stories live. Discover now