Letty Whiterock

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This is bad, you thought to yourself.

It is winter in Gensokyo, and you are walking towards the Hakurei Shrine after buying groceries at the Human Village. The food that we had started to run out.

... well, you think that you are heading towards the Hakurei Shrine.

A blizzard unexpectedly happened during your walk back home. The strong wind and low visibility make it harder and harder for you to discern the direction that you are heading. You hug your body tightly, shivering all the while in your winter gear, with no groceries in hand. This is because during your walk, you started thinking about a certain dream. While lost in thought, a couple of fairies played a prank on you, and the groceries in your hand became their target. It seems that the amulet that Reimu had given you, only works on youkais but not for fairies. You learned this the hard way when the fairies have snagged your groceries away. Without thinking of any danger, you give chase on the fairies, straying further away from the path that you normally take. In the end, you're unable to retrieve back your goods. Catching your breath, you think the many faces that Reimu would make, knowing that you had fumbled hard, and you think of ways to make up for her, only to realize that you had enter a place with trees. Trying to retrace your steps, you try to look for your footprints only to be obfuscate by the snow. Well, there's nothing else that you can do except to start walking, so you went ahead and do that.

Only now, after you reached the outer part of the forest, a blizzard came, further hindering your movement. And you kept on walking, hoping to find any landmark that you could use. Unfortunately, only white hazy mist the eye can see. It doesn't help that snow and the breeze is present, making it harder to open your eyes. What's worse, you started to feel your body getting stiffer. Mouth dry, lips cracked and the heat slowly leaving your body, until,


you fell to the snowy ground, unable to move. Your mind telling you to move while your body refuses. You try and try again but it is no use. The longer you stay in this position, the more snow is now covering your body. It seems that this is the end of the road. Sorry, Reimu. You weren't able to keep your promise on staying safe. It seems that you aren't that strong. Sorry, Reimu. You weren't able to save those food. Sorry... Reimu... for making you worry...

So...rry R...eimu...

after apologizing in your mind, you slowly close your eyes, the energy is leaving your body, and you can feel your heart trying it's best to pump blood all over your body. However, before you closed your eyes, you can see a silhouette walking towards you, but, that could have just been your mind playing tricks on you. And with that, you passed out.



... warm. Your body feels warm. You slowly open your eyes, and you can see white ceiling. White, snowy, circular ceiling. On top of your body is a set of fur, of what animal, you're unsure. You slowly turn your head (because your body is still weak) to the side, the area where you can feel warmth coming from. A small campfire could be seen. Seeing the flickering flame gives you a sense of peace. You turn to the other side and see a small hole, and what seems to be the outside. Looking closely up the door, a familiar set of clothes and winter gear could be seen hanging on a wire. Funny, that looks similar to what you were wearing before.


are you naked right now?

You (try to) move your hand, trying to see what you have underneath the fur, when suddenly, a voice could be heard,

"Hm? Are you awake?" the sound of a woman. You turn your head back to see a person standing in front of you. Giving a look-see, you can make out what she looks like. She has lavender eyes and short, curly hair, the color similar to her eyes. On top of her head, you can make out a white cap, rest neatly. She wears a blue dress with a white apron in front. Near her left chest, is a golden pin with three arrows pointing outwards, but, it's unsure what that means. In her hands she carries a small number of branches. She walks forward past you and places the tinder into the small campfire. Looking at her back, you can see a small white cape. She turns to you, crouch down to a seiza position. Then, she places her hand on top your forehead,

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02 ⏰

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