The Fight

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The shrill sound of a strangled alarm clock sounded for the shortest moment before Cassie slapped it hard enough to sting her hand. She glanced around furtively and counted five minutes just in case someone awoke with her. She was comforted by the silence. It meant her plan continued to work. She slipped out of the covers and grabbed the set of clothes she stashed under bed. The quiet shifting of sleeping bodies soothed her nerves and she spared one last glance backwards, reassuring herself that no one noticed her absence, not even June.

It had been a bit over a week since Cassie and Delian had met in the secluded corner of the library. Every day since, the two would meet behind Delian's home, a much more private location than the pack house. Cassie tossed her clothes into the laundry, straightening herself out in the mirror. She applied a light layer of lip gloss, something she had never been tempted to do before meeting her mate. But Delian mentioned once that he liked a particular light makeup look on an actress, and she immediately launched herself into learning the basics. Hmm, Cassie scrunched up her face. Should I try some eyeliner? She reached the pen up to her eye and applied a line on the base of her right eyelid, makeup wipe at the ready.

"What. The fuck. Are you doing?" An accusatory voice drifted from behind her and Cassie's straight line launched across her face. She dropped the pen and whipped around to see a tired June leaning on the doorway with her arms crossed.

"W-what does it look like I'm doing?" Cassie replied, unsure how to explain herself and hoping June would fill in the blanks. She wasn't ready to tell anyone about Delian. While the idea was becoming less terrifying, she still couldn't help but feel entirely overwhelmed by the thought. The lessons she would have to go through to learn how to be a Luna, learning etiquette, moving to the Alpha house - it was too much to process. June narrowed her eyes and stifled a yawn.

"Looks like you're about to go hook up with a boy who likes it when you wear makeup. Which, for the record, you look gorgeous in. But it's not something you used to do. So excuse me for getting a bit concerned that my best friend is waking up over an hour early every day to, what, get dolled up for some guy?"

Cassie felt a sting at those words. "Maybe I'm just doing it for myself." At June's look of amused disbelief, she quickly amended, "Maybe I'm practicing for my future mate. And just cause I didn't use to wear make-up doesn't mean I don't now. You don't know everything about me."

June rolled her eyes, "Cassie, we're like sisters. I literally know everything about you. And turning 18 doesn't change you overnight from a werewolf with no free time to one who suddenly can wake up early to do all this. And besides, if you're learning to change how you look to try and attract your mate, the moon goddess chose wrong. She would never pick someone who didn't want you for you."

Cassie felt a wave of confusion wash over her. June was so hostile, she felt herself bristle. Besides, there was no way the moon goddess chose wrong. Being with Delian felt so, so right, and he was nothing but kind to her. It wasn't like she was wearing this because he didn't like her otherwise, but he would find her pretty in a different way.

"June, are you jealous that I might have found someone?" Cassie asked.

"What, you found someone on your birthday and didn't tell me? As if, we share everything," June responded.

Cassie felt a pang of guilt. They always told each other everything. June had never kept a secret - as far as she knew. Cassie steeled herself again and made eye contact nervously, "Come on, June, you've kept things from me before."

Cassie instantly regretted her words seeing June's face fall. June shot her a glare, "I have never kept anything from you, but clearly it doesn't work the same on your end."

"Well, maybe we're growing apart. Plus, I don't need to come to you about everything. You clearly know how to hold your own when it comes to dating. I mean, look at you."

June gritted her teeth, "I wear makeup because I like it, not for any guy. And if you liked doing this, you wouldn't be doing it every morning in secret and wiping it off before anyone could see you. I'm gonna assume something weird and fucky is going on - cause if it's not, I can't see why you'd be such a dick."

Cassie opened her mouth to respond, before closing it again. She slumped, "you're right. I'm - I'm sorry. Something's going on, but I can't tell you. Not yet. I'm sorry."

June shrugged. "I don't know why you can't tell me, or why you didn't come to me for makeup advice, but I'm not ok with how you're treating me."

With that, June spun around and left the room, ignoring Cassie's calls after her. I could have handled that better, Cassie admitted to herself. She carefully wiped the stray mark off of her cheek and finished her application and stashing her makeup carefully. She glanced at the time and started to realize she was running ten minutes late. Quickly, she made her way to the Alpha house, stressed and anxious from her fight with June. But as she turned the corner and spotted Delian, black hair messy from just waking up, it was like everything melted away and all she could feel was happiness.

She launched herself at him and he caught her, giving her a deep kiss. "Good morning, princess," he smiled, "you look beautiful."

Cassie blushed and looked off to the side. She loved the compliments Delian would give her. He put his index finger under her chin and raised her face to his, as though studying her. She took the moment to take him in, how handsome he was, her eyes immediately drawn to his chiseled jawline. She worked her way up to his pronounced cheekbones, warm brown eyes, and wide, flat nose. It took all her self control not to give his nose a boop, no matter how much she wanted to. His thick eyebrows, somehow perfectly styled, arched towards his short, curly hair. She reached up to push a curl back into position and he caught her hand. Cassie let out a small gasp as his large hand trapped hers.

Delian pulled her two wrists together, pushing her arms above her head and her against the side of the house. His eyes roamed across her. With her body in such a vulnerable position, Cassie couldn't help but shiver as he held her captive. Delian continued to hold her there. He pulled her wrists further above her head, stretching out her arms and forcing her chest out towards him as she arched her back. Delian gave her a devilish grin and leaned down, his mouth pressing gently on her neck. A hot flush ran through Cassie's body and she blushed deeply.

"Delian," she whispered, gently placing a hand on his chest.

"What is it, baby?" He murmured, continuing to wander across her neck to her collar bone, placing needy kisses.

A small flash of panic passed through Cassie as she felt his hands wandering lower to the buttons on her shirt. She set her hands on his, "Delian," she repeated, her voice slightly more firm. Her mate paused and looked up at her, one button in between his fingers.

He gently released her, setting his eyes on her, searching for hints as to what was wrong, "What's up, Cassie?"

Hearing his concerned tone, Cassie couldn't help but let her stress from the situation dissipate. "Nothing really, I just -"

"Yeah?" Delian prodded, his eyes filled with worry and something she couldn't quite recognize.

"I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet," she admitted.

Delian's brow furrowed for a moment and he took a step back from her. "But we're mates, Cassandra. That's what we're supposed to do. Don't you want to, with me?"

Hearing the sadness in his voice she immediately reached out for him and threw her arms around him. "Yes, of course I do, I'm sorry."

She hesitated and he gave her a small poke, "I know there's something on your mind." Cassie let out a light laugh and Delian smiled wide. "I could listen to you laugh forever."

"Nothing really, just I'd prefer if we could do stuff another time?" She held back the part where she would much rather make out with him and explore his body where no one could see them. What a revolutionary idea, but hopefully he got the message. She glanced at her watch, "I do need to get going in a moment, or I'm going to be late."

Delian examined her closely. "Something else is on your mind, and it's not that you don't want me. I'm not letting you leave until you tell me, even if you're late. What's the real reason you're upset?"

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