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The alarm went off far too early. Cassie had gotten to bed well after midnight. The omega house had been filled with the quiet snores of the sleeping servants. As she settled into her bed, she found a note Melissa had left for her. See me in the morning. It wasn't something Cassie had energy to handle that late, so she put the note in one of her shoes to deal with in the morning. Unfortunately, morning had once more arrived and she felt in no better of a mood to deal with this than she had been.

    The Omegas were all beginning to stir. Cassie quickly gathered her things and fled into the bathroom to change. If Melissa were planning something, she would rather it not be in front of all the Omegas in an attempt to humiliate her. She put her hair up into a sensible bun before rushing to the stairs where she promptly crashed into another wolf. "Sorry!" Cassie cried, reaching down to help the felled wolf. June glared up at her from her heap on the floor.

    "Sorry? Is that all you have to say?"

    Cassie ignored the anger in June's voice and grabbed her by the hand. June immediately let go, "I can help myself up, thanks."

    Cassie watched June struggle back to her feet. The two faced off, unsure how to proceed. "June, I'm -" Cassie scrambled for words, "I'm sorry. I've been an asshole recently, and there's a reason, but I just need a little longer to feel ready to talk about it. I know it's not an excuse, but I don't want to. I just. I'm sorry."

    She watched as June's eyes narrowed, dissecting her attempt at an apology, before her friend sighed and slumped onto the wall. "I don't know what is going on, Cassie, but I really hope you straighten it out. I've been crazy with worry."

    Guilt clawed at Cassie's chest and she flung her arms around June who let out a startled squeak as Cassie's weight almost sent them back onto the floor.

    "I'm sorry," Cassie's voice trembled, "I'm sorry I've been so horrible." She squeezed June tighter. "I'm figuring it out, and I want to tell you, I'm gonna tell you. I promise, ok?"

June didn't respond for a second. "June?" Cassie asked, voice breaking.

A soft gurgle escaped June, "can't.... Breathe..."

Cassie immediately released her and June toon massive gulps of air. "Cassie I'm half your size," she coughed, "are you trying to kill me?"

Cassie laughed, eyes blurry. "Maybe unintentionally," she managed, "you give me cuteness aggression."

June rolled her eyes, "that's supposed to be for a fluffy, big eyed cat, not for an adult."

"Also applies to shrimp," Cassie corrected, her heart feeling large enough to escape her chest. "I've missed you, June," she said, reaching out to hug her friend again.

June expertly ducked before hugging Cassie herself. "I missed you too, tree. Try not to be such a dick. And You don't have to rush to tell me, as long as I know you're ok, it'll keep my nosiness at bay." June hesitated, "at least for now," she added.

Cassie laughed. It felt so nice to be able to talk to her best friend without fighting. She threw on her work clothes, a pair of soft pants and a white shirt. It was the common clothing for Omegas to wear, comfortable enough that they could work unhindered but warm enough that outdoor work would not freeze them.

"Ready to go spend another terrible day?" June asked Cassie.

"Oh my God," Cassie spluttered, "I completely forgot Melissa wanted to meet with me."

"Is she going to give you something worse to do today than cleaning ALL the laundry?"

Cassie groaned, "she's always had it out for me, who knows what she has in mind now. Remember the time she had me fix the telephone wire -"

"And you fell off and your mom was about to try and attack Melissa-"

"Tried to? She had Melissa in a chokehold before Alpha Orion stepped in-"

"Do not mess with Mamma Priam's baby, or try to mess with her! As soon as Alpha Orion even made a step towards your mom, your dad stared him DOWN. I have never seen anyone stand up to an Alpha before, but your dad just stood there, arms crossed, glaring. It was lucky you started crying for her. I don't think she would have released her for any other reason."

Cassie smiled softly. She loved her parents so much, almost as much as they loved her. "I still can't believe dad did that."

"Can't imagine Melissa liked you much after that," June chuckled.

Cassie sighed, "well, time to find out what new horror she has in store for me."

"Blink twice if you need me to go get your mom again. It's been ten years but I'm sure she still has a vice-like grip."

Cassie waved her friend off and charged up the stairs, taking them two at a time. No matter what Melissa had in store for her, there was no way she couldn't handle it with her best friend and her mate behind her.

"Cassandra," came the noxious snarl of Beta Melissa's voice.

Yes, Beta Melissa?" Cassandra responded, stomach curling. If there was something bothering Beta Melissa, it could only be something that would make her treat Cassie worse. But, Cassie reasoned, so did everything. Whatever put her in this bad mood, Cassie hoped it really bothered her.

"I assigned you the laundry room yesterday. Your work was... adequate, at best," Melissa mused.

"Thank you, Beta Melissa."

Melissa glared at her, evidently further irritated by the interruption. "I organize the Omegas well. Little trouble makers like you get harder tasks to wear you out, everyone does what they are best at, I think anyone would agree."

Melissa paused again, whether thinking or awaiting a response from Cassie neither of them could tell. Cassie opened her mouth to reply but Beta Melissa took that as a queue to require no additional response.

"So tell me, Cassandra," her eyes narrowed, "why Alpha Delian would request a change in service, particularly one that places you in his service?"

"Maybe he liked how I cleaned his sheets," Cassandra replied sweetly. Her stomach was now doing flips. Delian wanted her in his room, around him! Just as his Omega, but still. It was wonderful.

"That was a rhetorical question, Cassandra. I know exactly," she punctuated the phrase with a finger jabbed in her direction, "how you got there. You got your father to pull some strings because his daughter couldn't stand to do the work the rest of you Omegas do without complaint."

Confusion flashed through Cassie. Her father? She was the head of the Omegas, but he couldn't possibly be able to move assignments around. And he didn't even know about her.... situationship? with Alpha Delian.

Beta Melissa stood, hands crossed over her chest, and walked towards the kitchen windows. "I hate that about you," she muttered darkly. "Somehow, things always work out for you."

You have no idea, Cassie responded in her head. Things were very much working out for her, no matter how hard Melissa seemed to fight to destroy her spirit.

"No snarky replies? Clearly you're happy with yourself," Melissa snarled, approaching Cassie, making herself look as large as possible, "I only hope your Omega friends realize just how much you matter compared to them. They will leave you rotting when they see the strings you pull."

Cassie met Melissa's gaze steadily, silent for a moment. The vitriol the older woman harbored was far more terrifying than her physical shape. Usually, Cassie would shrink back, but she could feel her old fears and submission slipping away under the fresh position the moon goddess had handed her. "Beta Melissa," she replied, "those Omegas you mention, they're my friends. They all see how you approach any situation concerning me, and none of them are on your side. I am going to my assignment now. I'm sorry if your position is becoming... antiquated."

Cassie stood to leave and Beta Melissa grabbed her arm, "Insolence is not to be tolerated. Tread lightly, Omega."

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