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**Chapter 22: The Third Timeline**

The world in the **Third Timeline** was a shattered, crumbling realm, a far cry from the lush lands it once was. The sun barely pierced the dark clouds that swirled overhead, casting the earth in an eerie twilight. It felt as if the very heavens were mourning the death of hope in this world. Buildings that were once towering monuments of civilization were now scorched, burnt to the ground. The cities were in ruin, their streets abandoned and overgrown with weeds, the only sound being the distant wail of the wind.

Goku stood in the center of the ruined city, his breath steady, but his expression grave. He had already fought two versions of Vegeta across two timelines, each one more corrupted and destructive than the last. This was his third world to save, and it had already fallen into chaos.

As Goku looked around, a familiar sense of dread crept into his mind. He could feel it—Vegeta's presence. But there was something different about this timeline. The darkness here was thicker, more oppressive. This world wasn't just on the brink of destruction—it was already lost. The heroes who had once fought for justice had either fallen or turned against their own ideals. And the villainous forces that had emerged in Vegeta's wake had taken root even deeper.

**"I won't let this world fall, too,"** Goku murmured to himself, clenching his fists tightly.

Suddenly, a blast of energy exploded in the distance, tearing through the crumbling skyline. Goku's senses flared as he immediately turned toward the source of the explosion. His body tensed as the familiar, dark power approached.

Standing atop a crumbling building in the distance was yet another version of **Vegeta**—but this one was more terrifying than any Goku had faced before. His aura was corrupted by an otherworldly power, pulsating with an intense black energy that swirled around him. His eyes were like embers, glowing with malevolence, and his smile was cold, twisted, and victorious.

**"Kakarot,"** Vegeta's voice rang out through the ruins, his tone chilling and filled with arrogance. **"You've come a long way, haven't you?"**

Goku's eyes narrowed, and he stepped forward, his energy rising in response. **"I've been through two timelines already, Vegeta. I'm not afraid of you."**

Vegeta chuckled darkly, his voice echoing in the empty streets. **"Oh, but you should be, Kakarot. This is the Third Timeline. And in this world, I am more powerful than I've ever been. I have become the ruler of this broken place. No one stands in my way anymore."**

Goku's fists clenched tightly, the weight of the situation sinking in. He knew that in this timeline, it wasn't just Vegeta that had grown stronger—it was the entire world that had succumbed to darkness. The people here were either too broken or too afraid to resist. And even the heroes who remained had either fallen or betrayed everything they once stood for.

**"If you think I'm just going to let you rule this world,"** Goku growled, **"you've got another thing coming."**

Vegeta's laughter was dark and maniacal. **"You think you can stop me? You are too late, Kakarot. This timeline has already been claimed by the darkness. And there is no saving it now. There is no hope left here."**

Goku's jaw tightened. **"There's always hope."**

With that, Goku powered up, his energy flaring bright, golden sparks radiating from his body as his aura erupted. He had fought so hard across the other timelines, and this was the final one. He couldn't let it fall like the others. He would save this world. No matter what it took.

Vegeta's grin widened as he, too, powered up, his energy turning black and crimson as the ground cracked beneath his feet. He didn't need to say anything more—his aura alone was enough to speak volumes about how far he had come in this timeline.

The two Saiyans clashed with a deafening force, their blows shaking the very foundation of the world around them. The energy between them crackled, sending shockwaves through the ruined city. Buildings exploded and the sky seemed to tear open with each punch and blast of energy exchanged.

Goku moved with precision, dodging Vegeta's deadly strikes and countering with his own devastating punches. But Vegeta was faster this time—stronger, more ruthless. He unleashed a barrage of energy blasts that tore through the air like missiles, but Goku managed to evade most of them. The few that connected burned deep into his skin, but the Saiyan warrior refused to give up.

Vegeta smirked, clearly enjoying the struggle. **"You're weaker than I thought, Kakarot. I am unstoppable here."**

But Goku's spirit didn't falter. He pushed back with all his strength, his aura flaring brighter as he unleashed a powerful blast toward Vegeta. The blast was so intense it consumed the sky, turning the once-muted sun into a blinding white light. The world seemed to tremble under the force of their powers.

For a moment, there was a silence—a stillness as the smoke and dust settled. Goku stood breathing heavily, his body battered and bruised, but still standing. Vegeta, on the other hand, stood unscathed, the dark energy around him pulsating stronger than before.

**"Is this all you've got?"** Vegeta sneered, his smile never fading. **"Pathetic."**

Goku's heart raced as he knew he needed to go further. He couldn't afford to lose. Not this time. **"I'll never stop, Vegeta!"** he roared, pushing his power even higher, tapping into a strength he hadn't fully realized until now. His energy surged like a tidal wave, his form glowing brighter, stronger, and faster than ever before.

But Vegeta wasn't going to let him win. With a roar of his own, Vegeta's dark energy multiplied, consuming the landscape in its wake. **"You think you can surpass me, Kakarot? You're not even close."**

Their final confrontation began—an earth-shaking, world-altering clash that would decide the fate of this broken timeline.

As Goku and Vegeta battled once more, the world around them continued to crumble—decay spreading like a sickness, tearing apart what little was left of hope. But deep down, Goku knew he couldn't let this world fall like the others. He had to win.

But as they fought, something far greater than Vegeta's power began to stir in the shadows—something older, darker, and far more terrifying than either Saiyan could comprehend. A force that had been waiting, biding its time, ready to rise when the last hope was extinguished.

Goku didn't know it yet, but the true battle was only just beginning.

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