Chapter 1: The Death of Torchwood

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It all started on a rainy Tuesday morning, Danielle had awoken and was contemplating whether or not to go shopping due to the rainy weather outside. Her twin brother Tommy offers to go shopping with her, he needed to do some shopping too, so they could make the journey together. Danielle smiled, she knew herself that she couldn’t deny the offer and she had been wanting to spend some quality time with her twin brother, so she took him up on his offer.

They smiled at each other, and after a cup of tea, they departed in the blonde’s red range rover to go to Tesco’s. Little did they know that their seemingly innocent day would end tragically. After doing their shopping, they returned to the red range rover and put the shopping into the boot, Danielle climbed into the driver’s seat as Tommy put the trolley back, then he returned and climbed into the passenger seat and fastened in, Danielle then left the Tesco’s and drove them home.

Meanwhile, in Cardiff, at Torchwood hub panic was on as the sensors had sensed the presence of a bomb and the team were frantically searching for the bomb so they could disarm it. However, the bomb wasn’t found in time as it exploded destroying the hub and killing every single member of Torchwood including Jack Harkness – despite Jack being a Demi Demon-God through his birth father Michael and being made Immortal accidentally by his sister/cousin Danielle – Jack still gets killed by the bomb.

Danielle is at home when the Halliwell Manor landline rings, confused she gets up and answers it; “Wolfe speaking.” Her confusion disappears as she hears the news that Torchwood had been blown up by a bomb, and she needed to identify the bodies found. Danielle hangs up and grabs her car keys as the news shows the hub in Cardiff; “Torchwood hub has been destroyed by a bomb. All the members were found deceased including Jack Harkness, the leader of Torchwood.” Reported the news anchor as images are shown of the now destroyed Torchwood.

Danielle drives to Cardiff and heads to the police station in Wales, she parked her car and locked it as she walked towards the police station as she saw journalists and news reporters gathered outside of the station, they soon swarmed on her and questioned her on what had happened but she refused to talk to any of them; “Detective Wolfe, do you know what had happened to your brother and Torchwood?” One reporter asked her as she made her way through the crowds. “No comment.” She replied to the questions that were asked to her by the reporters as she entered the police station.

She noticed that the police had their heads down as she realized that Gwen had been killed in the bomb explosion, one of the officers had met her and escorted her down to the pathology room where the bodies were kept ready for identification. The coroner removed the sheeting from the first body and she turned away, it was her brother Jack, he had been severely burned due to being near the bomb when it had gone off and he had taken much of the explosion as his friends and his husband were mildly sustained burns but they were killed by falling debris.

“That’s Jack, he’s my brother.” Danielle admitted as the officer nodded and replied; “And the others, do you know them?”

“Gwen Cooper, Rhys Williams, Into Jones (my brother-in-law), Owen Harper, Tosh Sato and Suzie Costello.” After identifying the bodies, Danielle and the officer left the pathology room; “Do you know where the hub is?” The officer asked her as she looked back at him; “Why?” “Because it’s been blown up. There’s nothing left of the hub.” Danielle left as the officer watched her, a memorial service was held for Gwen by the police, the police announced that the Torchwood team had been killed by the blast of the bomb. One thing that puzzled Danielle is the fact that she knew what she had done to her brother Jack – referring back to the day that he had been exterminated by the Daleks, and she had brought him back, making him both immortal and unintentionally awakening his Demon-God half in the process.

She knew that her brother Jack couldn’t die either way, so why did the bomb claim his life as well as claiming the lives of his friends/colleagues? These unanswered still wavered in her mind, she decided to go to the destroyed hub and she realized that Torchwood had been blown up from the inside, she retraced everyone’s footsteps and realized (through visions) where they had all been standing when the bomb exploded with Jack taking most of the explosion killing him on impact, as the fire explosion rampaged through the hub and killed the others. Danielle witnesses their deaths with Gwen’s death being the hardest to watch because they both (Danielle and Gwen) had feelings for one another, Rhys was impaled by a light as Ianto was thrown backwards and stabbed in the heart by a shard of glass killing him instantly as Owen and Tosh were thrown into each other by the blast as they were impaled together by the ceiling beam. Suzie was electrocuted to death as the computers sent waves of electricity through her veins, Gwen was crushed to death as the ceiling and walls collapsed on top of her, Danielle walked over to Gwen though Gwen couldn’t see the blonde she cried and silently begged for the blonde to look after Gwen and Rhys’s young daughter, Danielle promises to do as Gwen gasped and then took her final breath.

Danielle cries as she witnesses Gwen dying before her, however, she notices the sky turning lighter which confused her something was happening as she came out of the vision.

To be continued.

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