Uncharted Territory

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Chapter Eight:

"Have you ever tried to cook a meal that went completely wrong?" Kylian asked, walking alongside Daria as they strolled through a picturesque Parisian park, the late afternoon sun casting a warm glow around them.

Daria laughed, her eyes brightening at the question. "Oh, definitely! I once attempted a soufflé, and it turned into a pancake. It was a disaster!"

Kylian grinned, intrigued. "How did that even happen? I thought soufflés were supposed to rise beautifully!"

"They are! But I didn't fold the egg whites in gently enough, and it just... deflated. I ended up serving it to my friends as a 'pancake soufflé.' They were supportive, but I could tell they were just being nice!"

"Your friends are brave," Kylian chuckled. "I'd have probably just ordered pizza."

"Smart choice!" Daria agreed, shaking her head at the memory. "What about you? Any culinary catastrophes?"

Kylian scratched his head, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "Well, there was this time I tried to make spaghetti. I thought I could impress my family by cooking a 'real' meal instead of just heating up leftovers. Long story short, I didn't realize you're supposed to boil the pasta first."

As they walked, Daria couldn't help but feel a growing sense of ease with him. Yet, she noticed the occasional sideways glance from passersby. A few people had stopped to stare, their eyes widening as they recognized Kylian. She could feel her heart race slightly, a mix of excitement and discomfort settling in her stomach.

"Did you always want to play football?" Daria asked, trying to steer the conversation to something lighter, though her mind was still aware of the glances.

Kylian considered her question, his expression thoughtful. "Honestly, I don't think I ever planned for it to become my life. I just loved playing with my friends. It was fun. It wasn't until I was a teenager that I realized I could actually make a career out of it."

Daria nodded, but as they continued to walk, she felt another pair of eyes on them. A woman nearby had pulled out her phone and was taking a picture. The flash made Daria flinch slightly, and she glanced at Kylian, who seemed unfazed.

"Isn't it weird?" she asked, trying to keep her tone casual. "To have people notice you like that?"

Kylian shrugged, a slight frown crossing his face. "It is. But I guess it comes with the territory. People see the name 'Mbappé' and not the person behind it."

Daria felt a pang of sympathy for him, sensing that he was accustomed to this duality. "It must be exhausting."

"It can be," Kylian admitted, glancing around as more people turned their heads to look at him. "That's why I appreciate moments like this—where I can just be Kylian, not 'Mbappé.'"

She caught a glimpse of a young couple whispering and pointing in their direction, and she felt a rush of anxiety. They were just two people enjoying a walk, but the aura around Kylian seemed to amplify every simple moment.

"Is it tough to balance everything?" Daria asked, genuinely curious but aware of her discomfort.

Kylian nodded. "Definitely. It's a double-edged sword. I love what I do, but the pressure can be overwhelming. Everyone expects you to be perfect, to always win. Sometimes it feels like you're just a player on a field instead of a person."

Daria nodded, her heart softening at his words. "But you're really talented. You deserve all the success you have."

"Thanks," he said, a hint of vulnerability in his smile. "But it's also about enjoying the little things, like walking in the park without worrying about being recognized."

She felt a surge of warmth at his honesty. "I get that. It's refreshing to talk about normal stuff, like cooking disasters."

"Speaking of cooking," Kylian said, eager to shift the conversation. "What's your favorite dish to make?"

Daria's eyes lit up. "I love making risotto. It's a bit time-consuming, but it's so rewarding when it turns out creamy and delicious."

"Risotto, huh? Sounds fancy! I'd love to try yours one day," Kylian said, grinning. "But I'll need to bring the takeout menu, just in case."

"Deal!" Daria laughed, feeling the tension ease a little. Yet, as they continued their walk, she noticed another group of people approaching, their eyes lingering on Kylian. She forced a smile, trying to focus on their conversation rather than the growing crowd.

"What about you?" she asked, redirecting the topic. "What's your go-to comfort food?"

Kylian paused, a thoughtful expression on his face. "I'd say a good burger. You can't go wrong with a classic. I sometimes sneak away for one when I'm craving something normal."

"Normal! There it is again," Daria teased. "You and your quest for normalcy."

"It's important," he replied, a hint of seriousness returning to his voice. "I mean, I love my life, but it can be a lot. Just being Kylian and not the player—that's what I want to hold onto."

Daria nodded, "I can see that. I guess we all have our own versions of normal to chase after."

"Exactly!" Kylian said, his smile returning. "And what's yours?"

Daria thought for a moment. "I'd say it's just being with friends, enjoying art, and maybe cooking without worrying about the outcome. Just living in the moment."

"That sounds nice," Kylian said, glancing at her with admiration. "You seem to have a good perspective on things."

"Thanks," she replied, feeling a little shy under his gaze. Just then, she caught another person taking a picture. This one was closer, and the flash felt invasive.

Kylian noticed her discomfort and slowed his pace slightly, a knowing look in his eyes. "I'm sorry about this," he said, his voice low. "I didn't mean to drag you into my world of chaos."

Daria waved her hand dismissively, trying to shake off the unease. "It's fine. I mean, it's just... different, you know? I didn't think about it when we decided to hang out."

"I get it," Kylian said softly. "But I promise, I just want to enjoy our time together. I'm not always this guy they see on the field."

She smiled, appreciating his sincerity. "I know. And I really enjoy this—just being here with you."

"Good," he said, his voice brightening again. "Let's just keep walking. We can talk about anything but football or art, deal?"

"Deal!" Daria laughed, feeling a renewed sense of ease. As they continued their stroll, she focused on the conversation, letting the world fade away, only for a little while.

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