Chapter 1: Ordinary Days

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Somin taps her pencil on the edge of her notebook, staring out the classroom window as the late afternoon sun cast a warm glow over the trees. The math teacher's voice drones on in the background, but Somin's thoughts are far from quadratic equations. It's one of those slow, ordinary days that seemes to stretch on forever.

"Kim Somin, can you solve the equation for us?"

The sound of her teacher's voice jolts Somin back to reality. She blinks, scrambling to look at the board. An equation stares back at her, and she quickly stands up, pretending she knew the answer. "Uh... 42?"

The class erupts in laughter, and Somin slouches in her seat, embarrassed. 

Mrs. Kang shakes her head. "That's not even close. Please try to focus. The exams are coming up."

Somin nods, forcing her attention back to her notes, but her mind keeps drifting. She isn't stressed about the exams—she's doing just fine in school. In fact, everything in her life is just... fine. The days follow the same routine: wake up, go to school, hang out with her friends, study, and occasionally catch up with her older brother, Junkyu, who is living a very unordinary life as a trainee in one of the biggest Korean music companies. That part still feels surreal sometimes. She can scroll through social media and see his face on posters promoting their program Treasure Map, which will be on air next year, but to her, he's still just Junkyu—her slightly dorky, kind-hearted older brother who used to kick her out of his room for messing with his stuff.

Her phone buzzes in her pocket, pulling her out of her thoughts. She sneaks a glance, making sure Mrs. Kang isn't looking, and sees a message from Junkyu.

 Kang isn't looking, and sees a message from Junkyu

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Somin smiles to herself. Even though he's constantly busy with practises, Junkyu always makes time to check on her.
She slips her phone back into her pocket and zones out again, this time thinking about what to eat. It's one of the few times she can just hang out with her brother like old times. As much as his life has changed, moments like these help keep things normal between them.

When the final bell rings, Somin quickly packs her bag and heads out of the classroom. She's halfway to the gates when her best friend, Hana, catches up with her.

"You're leaving fast today!" Yeseul exclaims, out of breath. "Meeting Junkyu?"

Somin grins. "Yeah, we're grabbing dinner. He's been training all day."

Yeseul sighs dramatically. "Must be wild, having a trainee brother. You get to see behind the scenes of all that K-pop stuff."

Somin shrugs. "It's not as glamorous as it sounds. He's always tired, and he barely has any free time."

"I don't know," Yeseul says dreamily. "It still seems exciting. I mean, what if he debuts soon? You could be the sister of a K-pop star!"

Somin laughs. "We'll see. It's not guaranteed yet. He's still working hard just to debut one day."

They walk together for a while, talking about their upcoming school projects and weekend plans. Yeseul is as obsessed with K-pop as ever, always talking about the latest groups, but Somin is content with her quieter life. She loves music, but even if her dream is  to become an idol, she isn't sure if she's the type to be on stage.

When they reach the corner where Yeseul usually catches her bus, she waves goodbye. "Tell Junkyu I said hi! And make sure he's eating enough. I heard trainees barely get time for meals."

"I will!" Somin calls after her, laughing at Yeseul's concern.

She continues walking toward the small restaurant where she and Junkyu usually meet. He's already there when she arrives, sitting in their usual booth with his head resting on the table, looking exhausted.

"Rough day?" Somin asks, sliding into the seat across from him.

Junkyu lifts his head, giving her a tired smile. "You have no idea. Dance practice was brutal. I think my legs are going to fall off."

Somin shakes her head. "You really work too hard."

Even though she isn't part of that world, Solar understands how much it means to Junkyu. Being a trainee is no joke, and the pressure to debut is constant. He rarely has time to relax, and when he does, he spends it with her.

They order their usual dishes, and as they wait for the food, Junkyu stretches and leans back in the booth. "How was school?" he asks, sounding genuinely interested.

"Same as always," Solar replies. "Nothing exciting."

"You sound just like I did when I was still in school," Junkyu says with a laugh. "You know, before all the chaos started."

Somin smiles. "Yeah, I can't imagine that now. Your life seems anything but normal."

Junkyu shrugs. "It's different, for sure. But it's not always as exciting as people think. There are long hours, tough schedules, and not a lot of free time. But, you know, I love what I do."

Somin admires his dedication. Despite everything, Junkyu has always stayed grounded, and she appreciates that. To her, he's still just her brother, not some distant soon-to-be celebrity.

As they eats, they talk about everyday things—school, their parents, funny things Junkyu's fellow trainees do to lighten the mood during breaks. Somin can tell he's tired, but he never complains much. He chose this path, and he's determined to see it through.

"Do you ever think about it?" Junkyu asks suddenly, between bites of food.

"Think about what?" Solar asks, confused.

"Becoming a trainee. You're a good singer, you know."

Somin laughs, shaking her head. "No way. I like my quiet, regular life."

Junkyu smiles but doesn't push. "Yeah, I know. But if you ever change your mind, I'll be there to help you."

Somin smiles back, grateful for his support but certain that the world of K-pop probably isn't for her. For now, she's content watching her brother chase his dream while she stays in the comfort of her ordinary life. As they chat, Junkyu opens up more about the pressures of being a trainee, sharing stories about his fellow trainees and the rigorous training schedule. Somin listens, appreciating his hard work but feeling increasingly certain that the trainee life might be for her, but she's unsure. However, as Junkyu talks, he mentions a new project the company is planning—an opportunity for her to audition, something meant to create buzz around potential new idols. When Junkyu teasingly suggests she audition, Somin brushes off the idea, but it plants a small seed of curiosity in her mind. Could she ever be a part of that world? After all, she's seen so much of the industry already, just by being Junkyu's sister. Later that evening, after returning home, Somin thinks back to their conversation. Though she remains uninterested in becoming an idol, the thought of unexpected paths and possibilities starts to linger, hinting that her life may not stay as ordinary as she thinks.

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