Cat Noir

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Well, this is non-standard for me. So how can this be Miraculous fanfiction, multi-fandom and an original work at the same time? Here's how: just about every character you're going to see here is original. The plot itself is completely unrelated to that of Miraculous. But the story is going to reference events, items, characters etc. from a whole bunch of different works. I tagged it under Miraculous because the Miraculouses show up and they're the most important items in the story, that the characters will use all the time. But other than that, as I've said before, they'll come across items, locations etc. from other works from time to time. Let's see if you can catch all the different references. Some of them will be obvious, others less so.

The 26 years old Cote Miller sits in the midst of his interview for a position as an Auror in the Brimstone Society, the special operations structure of the Romanian Ministry of Magic. His dark blond hair and green eyes have captured the attention of some of the ladies in Human Resources, but it is his impressive experience that truly stands out.

Despite his limited social skills, Cote’s extraordinary abilities are clearly demonstrated on his resume.

Director Rachel Silas, a blonde-haired woman with hazel eyes who heads Brimstone, reviews Cote’s resume with a discerning gaze. “It says here that you started undergoing Jedi training at the age of 5. As far as I’ve heard, the Jedi wouldn’t have accepted for someone to join their Order at 5; one would have had to start their training much earlier than that. Could you explain how that happened?”

“Yes, it’s kind of a long story,” Cote begins, his tone steady. “I wasn’t an official member of the Jedi Order, they never planned to send me on any missions, but I did undergo basic Jedi training. By the time the Jedi had found out about me, I was already 5. But according to them, I had some sort of dangerous power that they had never seen before, and it would have been dangerous for them to leave that unattended. So they didn’t have much of a choice but to give me just enough training to be able to handle it.”

“I see,” says Rachel, nodding as she takes in his explanation. “And it says here that when you turned 11, you returned to Earth and started attending the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.”

“Right. I was sorted into Ravenclaw,” Cote confirms.

Rachel continues to scrutinise his resume. “And during your time at Hogwarts, you have done freelance work as a monster hunter. It says here that your speciality are hostile vampires. How did you specialise in hunting hostile vampires at such a young age?”

“My partner during my freelance work was dampfyr,” Cote begins to explain. “She taught me everything I need to know about fighting vampires.”

Rachel looks at Cote with a puzzled expression. “Dampfyr? What exactly does that mean?”

“It’s a vampiric term for a human-vampire hybrid. They have all the powers of a vampire, except for siring one of their own, and none of the weaknesses. So they don’t need lapis lazuli rings to withstand sunlight, large bodies of water, or divine magic, and they can live off of human food just as well as off of vampire food.”

The explanation leaves Rachel looking even more curious. “So are there any hostile dampfyrs out there? Because it sounds like they are more powerful than vampires.”

“Not many,” answers Cote. “Dampfyrs are not very well liked by hostile vampires because hostile vampires don’t like humans. So the fact that dampfyrs come from one vampire parent and one human parent doesn’t align with their ideology of blood purity. Every now and then you might run into a dampfyr who sided with the hostiles and managed to get accepted among them, but usually they’re on our side.”

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