Innocence amidst tension

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The members of the Brimstone Society, along with Lyra and her father, Morien, stand in the sleek, modern conference room at the Ministry of Magic, surrounded by the polished wood and soft lighting that provides an air of seriousness. The room buzzes with the murmurs of the Brimstone Society. Morien, tall and imposing with his dark hair neatly combed back, cuts a striking figure. His piercing hazel eyes, though hardened by years of battle and leadership, reveal a warmth that only those close to him can see. He exchanges serious glances with Rachel, his brow furrowed in concentration as she outlines the implications of their latest findings from the mission led by Ladybug and Cat Noir.

Across the table, Cote and Lyra sit side by side, their expressions a stark contrast to the grave atmosphere. The pair, usually so focused and driven when it comes to their missions, now lean into each other, whispering and giggling like children at play.

Cote glances sideways at Lyra, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Do you think anyone would notice if we sneaked out for shawarma?" he whispers, his voice barely audible over the serious discussions surrounding them.

Lyra's eyes widen, a grin breaking across her face. "Only if we don't bring any for them," she replies, stifling a laugh.

Rachel glances their way, momentarily pausing her discussion with Morien. She can't help but raise an eyebrow at the duo. "What is it with you two?" she mutters, amused. She's seen Cote's dedication to their cause, and this playful side is new and unexpected.

Morien, casting a sidelong glance at the two, can't hide his knowing smile. "That's just Cote being Cote," he says, shaking his head fondly. "I've seen it before. Lyra brings out the goofball in him."

The meeting resumes, the tone serious as Rachel discusses the potential ramifications of the Vampiric Pulse weapon they uncovered. But every so often, Morien or Rachel pause, drawn to the antics of the two young operatives.

"Why are you hugging?" Rachel suddenly asks, her voice laced with bemusement as she catches sight of Cote wrapping his arms around Lyra, pulling her in close.

"Because we can," Cote replies casually, his voice light and teasing, as if the weight of the world doesn't rest on their shoulders.

The room continues to discuss strategic alliances and enemy movements, but Cote and Lyra are lost in their own little world, their laughter echoing faintly amidst the serious tones of the meeting.

At one point, Cote reaches over and taps Lyra's nose with a finger. „Boop." She looks at him, eyes wide with mock shock, then retaliates with a gentle tap of her own. „Boop." The sound breaks the intensity of the conversation, causing a few members of the Brimstone Society to stifle their smiles.

Rachel shakes her head, glancing at Morien, who wears an amused expression. "How can these two goofballs be the world's deadliest warriors?" she muses aloud, half in disbelief.

"Because they can turn that playfulness into lethal focus when the time comes," Morien replies, a hint of pride in his voice as he watches his daughter and Cote interact. "They balance each other well."

As the meeting shifts back to critical topics, such as the suspected mole within Trowel Industries and the threats they face, Cote and Lyra maintain their playful rhythm. They pass notes back and forth under the table, each one a new inside joke or an amusing doodle. Lyra beams at Cote, her cheeks flushed with affection, then playfully nudges her head against his shoulder like a cat.

Rachel, still watching Cote and Lyra with a mixture of disbelief and amusement, folds her arms and tilts her head. „I have to ask," she says, her voice cutting through the hum of the meeting. „How do you two manage to act like kids at the playground when there's terrorist activity right around the corner?"

Cote, leaning back in his chair with a casual grin, doesn't miss a beat. "Well, if we had the time to crack some action hero one-liners while roundhouse kicking Death Eaters in the face," he says with a shrug, "I think we can handle whatever comes our way."

Lyra, catching the playful rhythm, smirks and raises her eyebrows. "Wizards don't know kung fu, am I right?" she quips, and without missing a beat, the two of them high five, their hands connecting with a crisp slap that echoes through the room.

Morien hides his smile behind a hand, but Rachel just stares at them, momentarily lost for words. The rest of the Brimstone Society members look at each other, some clearly entertained, others baffled.

"It's an inside joke," Cote explains, noticing the confused expressions around the table. "Back when we helped Harry Potter get into the British Ministry of Magic, a bunch of Death Eaters ambushed us. So they found out the hard way that even with all their fancy dark magic and Unforgivable Curses, they weren't quite prepared for a good old-fashioned martial arts beatdown. And we gave them a reminder during the Battle of Hogwarts two years later."

Lyra nods, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Yeah, big surprise. Wizard supremacists who had spent their entire lives learning nothing other than magic didn't know how to fight without it."

There's a pause as the rest of the room digests this, then Rachel shakes her head, a wry smile creeping onto her face. "You two are something else." She turns back to Morien, her expression growing serious again as the gravity of their situation reasserts itself. "Anyway, back to the matter at hand. We have forwarded our findings on Leloup to the police, and they are currently looking into his activity on the Muggle side of things. Morien, in the meantime we will need you to investigate everything you can within Trowel Industries, seeing as you know its inner workings better than anybody else."

Morien nods at Rachel's request, his voice steady but determined. "I'll turn the company upside-down if I have to," he replies, his tone resolute. "If there's a mole within Trowel Industries, I'll find them, no matter how deep they're hiding."

Rachel offers him a small nod of appreciation. She starts to gather her papers, preparing to wrap up the meeting, but before she can officially dismiss everyone, she notices movement out of the corner of her eye. Cote and Lyra are at it again. This time, they are gently shoulder-bumping each other, back and forth, like two pendulums swinging in sync, grinning with each bump.

Rachel pauses, raising an eyebrow. "Alright, what is this now?" she asks, unable to suppress her curiosity despite the ongoing seriousness of the situation.

Lyra laughs lightly, glancing at Cote before turning to Rachel with a smile. "This? Oh, it's another one of our inside jokes," she explains. "When we were kids, we used to do this whenever we were arguing about which couple of a love triangle from whatever soap opera we were watching was better."

Rachel's expression softens with amusement as she listens, the absurdity of the moment juxtaposed against the gravity of their mission almost too much to ignore.

Cote grins, his voice playful as he shoulder-bumps Lyra again. "Tomas and Violetta," he declares with mock seriousness.

Lyra shakes her head, playfully returning the bump. "Leon and Violetta," she counters, just as adamant.

Their back-and-forth draws a few chuckles from the other members of the Brimstone Society, who have been quietly observing the antics. Even Morien can't help but smile, his fondness for the two shining through despite the tension in the room.

Rachel lets out a small sigh, shaking her head once more. "Soap operas," she mutters, though the smile on her lips betrays her amusement.

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