Chapter 4: We Are All Bipolar

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The truth is we are all bipolar. Our right mind, spirit, is based on love, and our wrong mind, ego, is based on fear. Fear of what? In the deepest part of our subconscious, God. Once we have consciously accepted the truth that God Is. Now what? We start school. In this school, we'll learn through experience the fruits of our ego: fear, resentment, anger, laziness, and hatred. Our school also teaches the fruits of our spirit: love, acceptance, peace, energy, and empathy. A peaceful mind is our natural state. If we're growing more peaceful, it's proof we're on our correct path. The economy, world affairs, crime and drug issues, will become just mild interests. This is the truth because I'm experiencing it. So where did our ego come from? Hold onto your tickets, before explaining I'll share my source of information.

There are many manuscripts of the Bible. For the New Testament alone, there are about 5,500. If we include lectionaries, which are Bibles arranged in the order they were read in the ancient church rather than in canonical order, then the number grows dramatically. Additionally, there are over 24,000 manuscript copies or portions of the New Testament in various languages including Greek, Latin, and others. The Bible is a collection of 66 books written by about 40 different authors over approximately 1,500 years. These authors came from diverse backgrounds and wrote in different languages on three different continents. Many of the writings are simply not true. For example, Romans 9:21 says, "Does not the potter have the right to make from the same lump of clay one vessel for special occasions and another for common use?" The potter is a reference to God, the vessel is us. "One vessel for special occasions" means Heaven. "Another for common use" means Hell. In other words, if one lives a loving, caring, giving life but was made for common use; that person is going to experience agony in an eternal Hell and there is nothing he/she can do about it. This is utter and complete nonsense. The Old Testament is constantly talking about a jealous and vengeful God full of wrath. The terms omnipotent and omnipresent are used to describe two of the divine attributes of God. Omnipotent means all-powerful and refers to the belief that God has supreme power and is not subject to physical limitations like man. Being omnipotent, God has complete authority over wind, water, gravity, and physics. His power is limitless. Omnipresent means present everywhere and refers to the belief that God is capable of being everywhere at once. Once again logic must ask, who would God be jealous of? Me? You? The Beatles? So, the Bible was written by forty different people over a thousand years and re-interpreted to many times to list.

Years ago, the lady I was living with came home from the library with a book simply because she liked the title. Beth was working on her master's degree and is highly intelligent. The manuscript has 413 pages, and she read it in two days. I also found it a fascinating study but took much longer to read. The Disappearance Of The Universe was written by Gary R. Renard. It's a record of 17 mind-bending conversations that took place over nearly a decade between Gary and two Ascended Masters who materialized before him in 1992. They revealed some shocking secrets of existence that taught the miraculous powers of advanced forgiveness. He's learning the stock trade and a professional guitar musician. He was in his Maine home during Christmas week and his wife Karen was at work. They have no children. Sitting in his living room, looking out the picture window, two people suddenly appeared and were sitting on the couch. Male and female, Arten and Pursah. This is how the book starts. When I first read this, I thought, "Yeah right, this has to be fiction." It's non-fiction. When I started reading Disappearance, a huge red flag occurred. The basis of Christianity for over 2000 years is that Jesus died for our sin. Gary stated that this is not true. All those years ago, I had to come to a conclusion about this critical issue before reading any further. I stopped reading and started meditating. After several weeks, the answer came to me immediately after waking from a restful sleep and a dream I couldn't remember. I knew the dream had been about my wife Mary Jo but couldn't remember any specifics. At that time, she had been dead for seven years. You may not believe this, but I know she answered my question. I somehow heard her say to me, "Bob, let's say you had been watching me horribly moan for 10 minutes while I was experiencing a nightmare. You didn't want to suddenly wake me because you know how startled I startle. When I finally came out of it, you asked what the dream had been about. I explained I had been a horrible serial killer who received immense pleasure from skillfully torturing victims for many long hours before granting the release of death. Honey, did I sin against God?" "Of course not, you were dreaming."" There's your answer." I proceeded to resume studying Gary's manuscript and will explain the logic of all this. He mentioned ACIM numerous times, if interested I highly recommend reading Disappearance first.

A Course In Miracles (ACIM-1333 pages) by Helen Schucman is in my opinion the most profound and truthful spiritual manuscript ever written. Christians are looking for the return of Jesus, he has returned via these magnificent writings. Dr. Helen Schucman began receiving the material for The Course quietly over eight years, from 1965 to 1973 at the age of 43. During this time, she was an associate professor of psychology at Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons. Schucman said that the book had been dictated to her, word for word, via a process of inner dictation from Jesus. At first, insanity crossed her mind, so she asked this voice extremely difficult questions. To her amazement all were answered correctly. This is a self-study spiritual curriculum that presents a way of life based on contact with the Holy Spirit. ACIM teaches what the Bible truly means. I have studied and written about The Course for over fifteen years and have found nothing that is not logically true, I cannot say that about the Bible. ACIM explains how our ego came to be. The Course was written by one woman over eight years and never re-interpreted. Foremost, we do not need saving from a non-existent eternal torment. We require saving from our ego. So, God Is, now what? 

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