4: Arknights Epilogue

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Kalt'sit and the Repair crew finally fixed the ships they had and went to Babylon to retrieve the Doctor


Jaune was in the other world as he walks among the clouds he then hears chatter from across the horizon

He followed the noise until he came across a camp fire and someone in front of it

Theresa: so you've finally done it?

Jaune: yes....I kept my promise.

He sat beside her as she fiddles with the fire with a twig

Jaune: so what now?

Theresa: what now? That'd up to you.

Jaune: I don't belong here.

Theresa: why?

Jaune: all that I've done......

Theresa: you know of the Evils of your Path, you know the Darkness in yourself. These you dwell on but you're decisions were more complicated than you realize.


Theresa: what would have happened if you failed during the early days of Babel? When we were pressured by Ursus and the other Governments?

Jaune: we would be overrun and our Home destroyed.

Theresa: the people you've sworn to protect. With an Army led by you. Did you not feel obligated to protect your Home?

Jaune: you would excuse my actions.

Theresa: excusing them isn't the exercise Jaune. Only Accepting them.

Accepting the Fact that you acted on what you knew and Not what is to come.

He looks down to the fire and saw Rhodes Island eñabd everyone standing together

Theresa: do you remember how many lives you saved during those times?

Jaune: yes. But those were before my dark deeds began.....

Theresa: Goodness is not a Destination we arrive at but Practice.

Anyone can fall into Darkness we resist it through Wisdom and Vigilance.

Then an image of Amiya, Rosmontis, Blaze, Kalt'sit and many more came up until it shows Rhodes Island the Renuion Members that joined him

Theresa: better voices in your head so to speak.

Jaune: even so.....

Theresa: you still doubt yourself? Well when you chose to lay down you're life and give everyone Hope during your final battle.

With or without Oripathy Hope, Fear, Love and Hate exists in All of Us.

The Question is which one you will choose to define your actions. Every chose we make Shapes our world.

Jaune:.......yes. I finally see the truth of it.

Theresa: and?

Jaune: I think I'm ready to pass throught those doors.

He looks up to see a massive gate in front of him

He stood up as Theresa looked on as he walked towards the doors and stared at it for a moment until he pushed it open and entered

It was nothing but Darkness until he came up on his Throne once again but this time it has an occupant with a chess board in front of him

It was nothing but Darkness until he came up on his Throne once again but this time it has an occupant with a chess board in front of him

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He stared at his Former self

Jaune: what should I say to you?

I know what it felt taking that throne. All that it meant....and all that it did not.

To be a King among pawns. To be a Manipulator.

I know I chase a Redemption I know I can never deserve.....

What does that make me?

A King of Fools! A King of.....

He stopped and remembered Theresa

Jaune: Hope.....when all Else is lost.

He then turned to his Former Self and started to feel angry

Jaune: you've lost Everything....and Everyone and you became...

There is no Forgiving you.....

YOU CHOSE!!!!!!!!

He stopped and turned

Jaune: I .....chose.

What now? Should I Lead, Take....Pledge my self in Service......

In Service...

If I were to Lose everything and Everyone again, will there still be enough of me left so I don't become you?

I do not know......but I have Hope.

He looked back to him

Jaune: you are more than what others see....you are more than the Hate and the Anger....You are More than that.....

He closes his eyes but when he opens them he found his throne broken and the board scattered as he walked up and flipped the table and kicked the throne

Declaring he is no longer the Mastermind he once was

He closed his eyes as a gentle warmth wrapped around him as he was finally able to move on past his former self

And everything went dark

Chapter End

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