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prechapter: {written by sasa...and by her admirer}

The two friends were walking around in a Barnes and Noble drinking Starbucks drinks like any two "normal" girls would. Sarina and Isabella were roaming around when they came across the Harry Potter section. Of course, the two girls had both read the books multiple times and already knew everything about them. Sarina leaned down to pick up a new cover title that she saw for 'The Prisoner of Azkaban.' She turned to Bella with a mischievous grin.

"You think I should buy the series again in these covers? I mean look how pretty they are!" She exclaimed happily as she showed Bella the velvet covered book with gold details around the edge and spine and big gold letters with the title on the front.

"Sarina, you don't need them, don't you have enough books?" Isabella pointed out with a small unamused look as she looked down at her best friend who was extremely interested in the Legos and other collection items. To Isabella she almost looked like a toddler attracted to an iPad playing Cocomelon. It was always a funny sight when Sarina was so interested in something, even if it was something she had seen a million times before.

Sarina smiled up at Bella with a wide silly grin, "You know, I wonder what it would be like to be in third year with them. We are the same age...did you know that, Bell's?" Sarina always had an interesting fact to say about Harry Potter, whether it was a new one or one Isa had heard already, it was always so fun hearing her talk about something that she seemed to love so much.

 Isabella smiled but before she could say anything in response to Sarina, there was a bright blinding light and the book in Sarinas's hand dropped and flew open to the middle of the book.

 Neither of the girls had a chance to even blink before they were both sucked into an endless space of white void. They could not see one another and neither knew where they were. They felt like they were being suffocated and being stretched out like gum from the white void. Next thing Sarina knew, she was in an old house with a middle-aged lady and man in the kitchen singing to muggles songs and laughing while cooking. Isabella, however, had been dropped into an old, abandoned house that was hidden in a dense forest. had both looked around their completely different and new surroundings and one thing was clear... they did not know where they were, and they could not seem to remember anything at all besides their names and other memories that seemed to have been transferred into their brains.


Sarina was utterly shocked, 'what in bloody hell,' she thought as she looked around the room. She was most definitely not in modern times, which was for sure. There was one thing that she did know, the pictures on the wall were of her...and her parents. Yes! She was at her parents' house, and they were currently cooking dinner in the kitchen. She heaved a heavy sigh and walked into the kitchen, her feet lightly scraping across the polished wood floor. She stopped by the kitchen counter.

"Hi..." She said softly, not trusting her voice, as if saying hi to these people who she knew but also seemed to not know was going to end badly.

The lady turned around with a bright smile. "Well look who's up, you've been asleep for quiet sometimes Sarina. Are you running a fever?"

Sarina quickly shook her head and gave what she thought was her mom a small smile. "No! I'm fine, sorry, still a bit groggy from sleeping. What are you and Dad making?" She raised an eyebrow and gave her mom a curious expression.

Her mom gave a big smile. "Oh, we're making your favorite! Beef Wellington." Her mom was clearly excited because she always loved to make her daughter happy in any way that she could.

Sarina also gave a wide smile. "Really mom? That's amazing! Do you want any help?" Her mom just shook her off and shooed her off into her room. Now Sarina was sitting on her purple bed in her black painted room with her cat Rosie sleeping next to her. The room was lit dimly, low light coming from fairy lights around the top of the walls and a small lamp on a desk on the opposite wall of her bed. It was a cozy room, which is something that she could not lie about. She smiled and pulled a book out as she cuddled with her cat and waited for dinner to be done.

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