Chapter 1

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Holly's POV - Present Day

I couldn't help what I felt inside me. There was this natural pull, some sort of invisible line pulling me to him. God, he was so charismatic, so beautifully handsome. Fuck! Why can't all of this just be over already? All I want is to give him the life we both want and deserve, I want to give him it all!

Yet, here I am, with my lipstick red night dress on the floor of my bedroom, standing naked in front of him and giving myself up for what seems like the millionth time. 

The sex was amazing. The best I've ever had, even though I don't have much experience, only having slept with one other boyfriend I had years ago. Ever since that fell apart, I've kept to myself in relatively most ways. With not really many friends to talk to, and burying myself in the work of retail at a local clothing boutique. I wasn't one to go party, to just sleep with a random person on the street. I wanted the cliche life that seemed so rare these days. Nice house, a loyal husband, some children. I've always wanted that, but I could never find someone that wanted the same thing.

My ex-boyfriend and I were high school sweethearts, dating while he went to college and I took over my aunt's boutique. As the years went on and we both advanced in different ways, we started wanting separate lives. He was dreaming of starting his own business in a completely different state, without even thinking of me or how I would feel. Not only that, but he didn't want children. There's nothing wrong with that, and I give props to the people that realize they're just not the parenting type, but I am. That was ultimately one of the bigger deal breakers, and we went down our own paths without having a super messy break up.

Sure, I missed having someone to come home to, being able to relax and talk with somebody, but I always felt there wasn't as much of a soulmate connection as I thought. And it was honestly a breath of fresh air when I felt like I was my own person again.

Now, four years later, I never thought I'd have met someone so incredible as Dylan. He was so intelligent, such a wonderful soul that shines so brightly in this world. I couldn't help but fall hard for him the second we met, and it took everything in me not to scream it out to the world, until I was finally able to.

It was the best day of my life with Dylan walked through the door of my shop.

Holly's POV - Six Months Ago

It was a random Thursday, around six at night and the rush of people was starting to die down. I was taking the afternoon and night shift while I let my assistant manager take the afternoon off to be with her kids. I finished tidying up some of the displays and went behind the counter to reorganize some of the areas that had been messy while checking out customers. 

I start checking out an older woman that picked out a few items for her grandchildren and let her know that we have lots of other products for children and families whenever she would like assistance.

"Thank you very much," she smiles, looking for my name tag and spots it, "Holly."

"You're very welcome! I'm here most of the time, but if I'm not, all of my personnel would be very happy to help you out, they are all very friendly and most of them are parents or grandparents as well."

"That's perfect, thank you again! I will absolutely be back," she says with a smile and walking her way to the door.

"No problem, have a great day now!"

"You too!"

I put a couple of go backs in a pile on the counter behind me and turn around as I hear the woman say, "Oh, thank you kindly sir, I appreciate it."

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