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I am deeply in love with this guy, and, he loves me, too. Or at least, I thought that he did! We had been together for a while and were very happy, then, some time ago, Something Changed Between us!... I'd like to think that it was just him, but, I changed, too! Every time we saw each other, we'd avoid each other, like the plague and sometimes things between us would get verbally nasty! I thought that I hated him!

But, then, he left me, and, now, I find that I miss him! I want it to be the ways that it was, but, it can't be! A lot of times when I'm alone, I find myself thinking about him! I miss his company, I miss his funny ways of talking, and, I miss sitting under the stars and knowing that who loved me for me regardless of my apperance! I feel like my whole world has fallen apart! Aly and Ace, What can I do!?!...

Sincerely, Feeling terribly alone.

Dear Feeling Terribly Alone,

I'm sorry to hear about your troubles, it sounds to me, like you don't know of weither that you're coming or going with this guy! Sometimes, Bad things happen, and, which makes even the best of us to forget on about what we once had for it, too! Your should go back to square one, and, win each other's trust, you two stopped communicating! With that being said, do the opposite-Talk!! You need to show him and go find him and tell him exactly on how you feel! In this case, Take a militaristic approach, be straight and up front! If he tries to push you back, be covert, not sneaky! Always wondering on what could have been is far worse than any embarrassment from a rejections! To expect a Male to come to talk to you about their feelings is not real life, ladies! You have to be the strong one! Males are goofy like that! You never know on what's bothering you or someone, unless that they decide to open up to it for it, too. Sometimes, it takes a long time for scars to heal it! Be strong!...

Sincerely, Aly and Ace.


Dear Aly And Ace,

There is this guy that I love who is in love with someone else, I tried to get him to notice me and it worked, and, I thought that it worked, but, then, he admitted his love for this other person and she did the same thing back to him! I saw the whole thing and it broke my heart, literally! So, I decided to get over him and move on with my life! I have a new boyfriend, and, I really like him, and, But, I don't think or know that I'm in love with him, If you know on what I mean! My new love life would move mountains for me, and, But, Now, I wonder if I still have feelings for him, and, every time I see him, the butterflies fly back into my stomach and have a grand party! Now, I found out that this guy has broke up with this girl, and, my mind wants to break it off and to try to be with the other guy, but, my heart tells me that that's not right! I don't think that I should ruin something on what I have now, for something that may never be mine! What do I do!?!...

Sincerely, Singing the Blues


Dear Singing The Blues,

On the stages of your life, you can never tell on what role others may have or will have to play in your story, be fair and honest with yourself, and, those that come into your life! Otherwise, unless you start treating them with the same respect and honesty, that you expect, and, you may just end up singing solo! Look at what you have now, compare it with what you had then, and, take notes! It's easy to confuse true love for true friendship! True love cannot be forced on any one, it must be developed and earned! And nurtured and given all of your attentions to it! Your important relationships should always have the spot-light in your life! If your attention is elsewhere, what you have now, it may get lost in the dark! Do not let this old crush slow ya down in the new tempo of your new relationships! A few sour notes do not ruin the shows! Give your new love a chance to grow, and, don't be so quick to close your doors to him! Even the best duets have to practice for it!... Be Strong!

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