Chapter Four

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I collapse onto the bed in Ryder's guest room as the brilliant colors of sunset turn to black. My damp hair splays out on the pillow, smelling of rose shampoo. Every muscle in my body is screaming, praying that I never have to move again.

After the run from hell, Ryder had forced me to train with him, never mind that I'd just had a power meltdown and nearly killed him. When I'd said this, he'd scoffed and said that if I could fight him and win, I didn't have to train. Needless to say, I didn't win. I'd barely stood a chance.

When he moved, he was light and fluid, almost as if he was dancing instead of fighting. When he struck, it was like a flash of lighting or the strike of a snake. I never saw it coming.

I came out of it conscious, though. As pathetic as that sounds, it's no small feat. I've seen Ryder knock warriors twice his size out cold in under a minute. The mere fact that I walked out of there on my own two feet after four years away from any real training is astounding.

Of course, Ryder hadn't been impressed. He just shook his head and said that it'd be a miracle if I was ready to face Octavian and my parents in two weeks' time. Then he'd disappeared into his room and re-emerged a half hour later freshly showered and changed. After swiping up his keys, he'd walked out, muttering something about a job he needed to do.

At the time, I'd rolled my eyes at his mysterious mission, but now I can't help but to be concerned. What if Ryder's "job" involves Archer? He knows where Archer lives and it doesn't take a genius to figure out that reason I sought him out was because he's the one with the power of a deadly touch. After all, I'd left Grimm Haven after I'd heard what Octavian had planned for him and I'd told Ryder when he first found me two years ago that I was looking for him.

I frown at nothing in particular. My heart rate begins to pick up speed. Ryder could have told Octavian all about Archer and what he means to me. Ryder's father would take great pleasure in destroying Archer before my eyes, that's just the kind of sadistic monster he is. Ryder could be leading Octavian's men to Archer's front door right now.

Lunging forward, I yank the cell phone out of my backpack and dial Leilani's number. My fingers tremble as I try to find her contact, making it frustratingly difficult, but somehow I manage to do it. The phone rings in my ear once, twice. I bite my lips and tap my fingers on my leg anxiously.

"Come on, Lani. Pick up," I plead, visions of my friends being savagely attacked by Ryder and his father's men flashing in my head.

I could already be too late. They could all be long dead by now, murdered while I was showering and complaining about my re-training. Oh, god.

"Hello?" Leilani's breezy voice says in my ear. The sound of it nearly brings tears to my eyes. I let out the breath I'd been holding and slump back into the pillows.

"Christ, Leilani, pick up a little faster next time. I thought . . . ," I trail off, swallowing the lump in my throat.

"Thought what?" she asks.

"Nothing. Listen, Lani, have Dax or Archer seen anybody hanging around?" I pause, not wanting to alarm her but needing to know. "Like maybe Ryder or someone who might be working for him?"

Muffled voices sound, like she's talking to someone wither and trying to cover the speaker. There's a rustling at the other end of the line, then Dax starts speaking. "No one has been seen around here since you left. Why? Should we be expecting an attack?"

Immediately I feel embarrassed about making such a fuss. My face is hot but I'm relieved. Ryder and Octavian haven't made a move to harm my friends - at least, not yet.

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