Chapter 3: The royal court

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Yamini's POV

As we approached the royal court, a bellman started beating the drums in specific beats and announced "Be alert! The Prince of Purvakhand, Yuvraj Rudrajeet and , Queen Majesty of Madhyanagri, Princess of Purvakhand Yuvradni Yaminidevi are arriving in the Royal court. As the announcement completed, we walked in together. All the members present in the court had their head bowed in respect.

Maharaj had stood up opening his arms in embrace with a wide smile on his face. As Maharaj stood, the entire Rani vasa (the four consorts of Maharaj) stood from their seats. Both me and Yuvraj touched his feet and sought his blessings. Then, he ordered everyone to take their seats. Maharaj Arunaya's throne was situated in the middle. To his left there were four seats with one placed in the middle on which Queen Padmini was sitting. The remaining three seats belonged to the other three wives of the king. To his right, were two smaller thrones which I assumed were for the two Princes Rudra Raje and Dantya Raje. Next, I scanned the adjacent seating for the ministers to the right and left of the king's throne. I noticed Dantya was already settled on the seats besides the ministers.

"My dear subjects of Purvakhand, I am proud to present you, my eldest son, the crowned prince of Purvakhand, Yuvraj Rudrajeet and his better half, princess of Purvakhand, Samradmi of Madhyanagri, and my beloved daughter in law, Yuvradni Yamini." He said with happiness laced in his every word. "As all of you know, Yuvradni was married to Yuvraj when they were kids, but now that they are of age, I officially announce them as a couple and the future king and queen of Purvakhand. I hope nobody has a concern with this decision" King Arunaya said the last part sounding as more of a warning than a statement. The court went silent for the next few minutes.

As the king was going to speak, Rani Padmini rose from her seat and came in front of him. "My apologies Maharaj but I do not agree with this decision as I do not believe Yuvraj Rudrajeet and Yuvradni Yamini are fit for this position. They have broken our Royal and family rule" she said monotonously which led everyone state at us in shock.

"Padmini! What are you saying? Do you have any proof for what you are saying? And how am I not aware about this?"

"Maharaj, why don't you ask Yuvradni herself about the sin she had committed" Her voice was clear and she tried her best for it to be confident but I could still pick the few trembles in his words. Five out of my fifteen warriors were present in the court as I had sent the others for administrative work. Their hands automatically went to their swords when I gestured to them signalling not to take any step unless I asked them to do so. I had given them strict orders before we entered the palace but I have to keep a close check on their reflexes as they cannot hear even a single word against their Queen.

"Rani Padmini, don't you dare speak nonsense about my Yuvradni." Yuvraj yelled at her. She was taken back but then took a moment to put herself together and said "You are equally sinned Yuvraj. And I don't think you both deserve the Yuvraj and Yuvradni position after this"

"Padmini, stop spinning things and tell us straight forward what rule they have broken" Maharaj's voiced.

"Maharaj, Yuvraj and Yuvradni have not completed the Kuldevi Pooja yet. It is forbidden for couples to sleep together before Kuldevi Pooja per our Royal rules. Yuvradni spent her night in Yuvraj's chamber last night." The last part earned gasps and gossip among the court members which seems to have boosted Padmini's confidence.

"Prince Dantya visited Yuvraj Rudrajeet's chambers and he saw Yuvradni on Yuvraj's bed. Due to this sin, she will fail to attain the status of his official wife. Yuvraj can certainly marry again if he wants to continue as the Yuvraj but Purvakhand cannot have a Yuvradni with questionable.." before Padmini could complete her statement, Yuvraj had his sword out and lunged towards Padmini.

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