Chapter 7 - The Trouble with Twins

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It was past midnight when they arrived back at the Burrow in their now diminished numbers. Quite a few people had decided to disapparate whilst up the Hill. Now only Hagrid, Mundungus and Kingsley came back with them. Harry Ron, Hermione and Ginny sat on the garden wall and watched a drunken Hagrid try to pitch up his tent with Mundungus not being very helpful. They both sang at different rhythms about a man named Odo.

'And Odo the hero, they bore him back home'

'Are you ok Harry?' Hermione asked tentatively.

'To the place he'd known as a lad' the inharmonious singing continued.

Harry looked at her. The moonlight shining of her bushy hair made it look even bigger than usual. He looked to Ron and Ginny who even in the dark of night their flame red Weasley hair shone brightly. He focussed on Ginny who was staring at him with such consideration it made him feel nervous. He nodded tearing his eyes away from hers. His eyes still slightly red and swollen from where he had let out his inner anguish. He thought he would feel better after but he still felt angry. No not quite angry he didn't know what he felt. Guilt maybe? Guilty as it was his fault Sirius was dead.

'And his wand snapped in two which was sad' finished Hagrid followed by a loud belch. It seemed Mundungus had fallen sleep mid song and Hagrid was now drifting off amid a pile of tent poles and canvass.

They got up and trailed in to the house. Nodding Mr. Weasley a good night they marched up the stairs in single file. Harry who was last looked at Mrs. Weasley who was sat with her sleeping head on Mr. Weasleys shoulder. Her own eyes still red and he thought of her own sorrow at going back to the place she had said good bye to her brothers. Harry noticed she held a small pocket watch in her hands, slightly dented but polished brightly. Her brothers who had been killed by the death eaters and it filled him with rage. All thought of guilt evaporating. He thundered up the stairs and burst into Ron's room. A cloud of red mist hazing his mind.

'It's all his fault' Harry roared much to the surprise of Ron who was half into his pyjamas.

'Bloody Voldemort' Ron twitched at the name and Harry continued. 'He's caused so much pain and death and he doesn't even care all for what? Power?'

He slumped down on the bed throwing a book towards the wall where it slammed into the skirting board knocking it off the wall. The board fell with a clatter but Harry didn't notice.

'Calm down Harry, mum will kill me if you break anything else' Ron urged Harry in hushed tones.

Ron knelt to the floor to replace the board. Harry looked at Ron's ankles which now stuck out a couple of inches below the hem of his Pyjama bottoms. He pulled his own pyjama top over his head, the red mist still clouding his mind.

'Hold on' he heard Ron exclaim from somewhere but not quite paying attention, 'Harry look at this'

But Harry didn't look he was still going through his mind all the people that he knew who had been killed or injured by Voldemort and his death eaters. Sirius, Mr and Mrs. Longbottom, 'Harry' Ron interrupted him again look and Harry found a small box thrust under his nose.

The red mist parted slightly, enough for Harry to see what was being waved in front of him. It was a small wooden box about the size one of his school books. 'What's that he snapped'

Ron who was slightly used to Harrys moods ignored this and continued. 'I found it behind the skirting board which fell off when you erm'

Ron held out the box to Harry to take. The red mist now gone and Harry examined the box, as he did the door opened and Hermione entered.

'What's all this noise' she whispered as though scared of waking anyone up, but the only person in the house who was asleep was Mrs. Weasley down in the kitchen. Harry waved the box at her. 'Ron found this hidden in his room.' he told her.

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