Who Is She?

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Strong winds pull at my wings as I curve to make a left for the House. The enormous structure resting on top a mountain overlooking Velaris never fails to impress me, even after all these centuries. However, the reason that brings me here this afternoon is nothing but pleasant. Rhys has ordered all of us to meet him there for reasons I could only imagine deal with Mor.

All of us have noticed her obvious absences from dinners and meetings. She has assured us is because of business in the Court of Nightmares, nothing to worry about and that she was dealing with it, that it just takes more of her time than usual. I call bullshit. All of us know she doesn't like to be there for more time than necessary. That's why when I land softly and quietly on one of the verandas, I am not surprised to find she has not arrived.

Cassian, Amren, and Rhys are all sited around the table discussing the same thing over and over again. I can tell they're worried. It's unlike Mor to be so secretive about anything.

As I make my way over to them, my shadows surrounding my shoulders and ears as usual, I take my spot at the doorway while Rhys flicks his violet eyes my way, letting me know he has noticed me as Cass and Amren keep bickering. One of my shadows suddenly wraps around my ear and lets me know that Mor has arrived at the same time they all quiet down. Rhys must have told them of her arrival and makes to stand up.

As Mor's heels click on the marble floor and she finally reaches us, taking a look at all of us and says "Did someone die or something? Why are you all looking so serious?" And sits down on a nearby couch, a glass of wine appears in her hand, no doubt the House providing it.

Rhys is the first to speak, "We are here because we all are wondering about your sudden disappearances as of late. It is unlike you. Is there an issue with Kleir? Or is it something else?" We know Mor is entitled a private life but in all the years we have known each other, she has never been one to sneak around or have lapses of times when we don't know anything about her whereabouts.

Mor, taking a sip from her wine, blows out a breath and mutters something that sounds like busybodies and says, "Well, now that you made a whole meeting about something so insignificant, I must tell you is nothing to be so worried of. I made a lovely friend a few weeks ago and have been showing them around." With that she stands up and walks over to the table, takes a sit and says, "Now where is the food? I thought this was a dinner mixed in with a meeting."

Cass, ever curious, asks, " So a lover?" He wiggles his brows and reaches for a plate as food appears at the table. " Az, get over here, the food will get cold." I reluctantly take a sit next to Amren who's giving Mor death stares while Rhys reclaims his seat, looking unbothered but waiting for the answer Mor has not provided.

Mor laughs, "Not quite a lover, Cassian." And digs into her food.

Amren, done with waiting says" So who is it, girl? Who's this mysterious person you don't want us knowing about?" Seeming to be ready to eat and finish this conversation Mor says, "She's a friend. What's there to know about? I'm allowed to have friends."

"We never said you couldn't Mor. I guess what Amren is trying and failing to say is that you didn't need to make excuses if you only wanted to meet up with her. You could've told us." Rhys tells his cousin. "But now I'm intrigued, if  this female is so special, I would like to meet her." Mor's fork drops to her plate with a click.

"I can't believe this! You guys are the worst busybodies. Don't laugh Cassian this is not funny!" She slaps Cassian's arm as to make her point. But we all know Rhys's resolve will not waver; he wants to make sure his cousin is not in danger, even though she can take care of herself.

She realizes this and sighs like a kid who has been given an ultimatum, "Fine. You guys can come with me tomorrow to meet her. But I have to warn you; she's more like us than you would ever expect." Rhys raises his eyebrows as if to say we'll see, and starts eating.

My shadows, dancing around me, seem to agree with her for a reason they don't deem to explain to me. Who could this female be?

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