oh god

53 9 3

heyyyy, this is unfortunately just a small filler update as I am going off the series and there are a lot of shorter filler scenes, so I just decided to add Ash into a few and extend them with my own dialogue, but it still means this chapter is only just 1000 words so sorry about that. I would do them longer but then there would be too many jumps and I don't want that so deal with it. Anyways, enjoyyy!! By the way for anyone wondering we are currently on episode 2 'encounters'


"Oh, god. Our help in ages past... Our hope for years to come."

I yawn as I watch the new Pastor Ron fumble over his words as he tries to give a speech. He's also staring down at his notes a lot. Church was always boring, but at least Pastor Jackie was funny, unlike this man who looks very lost.

After mommy got mad at me yesterday she apologised and told me that she had a bra in her bag because it's new and she just bought it from the shops, but I didn't really care about that because she gave me some candy from the secret cupboard in the kitchen so I forgave her for getting angry.

I feel my mom lightly tap my shoulder as I yawn again and shake her head with a stern look. Daddy sniffles a laugh and then I see him pull out a packet of Lifesavers and pop one into his mouth.

"I want one.." I whisper, immediately putting my knees on the church pew so I could lean to get some candy.

"Sh, sh..." Dad shushes me quietly as he discreetly hands me a Lifesaver before showing mommy the packet and she smiles.

"The choir sings those words... all of you..." Ron trails off, sounding as confused as I felt about his sermon.

Mommy hands the candy over to Don's wife, making me whine as she moves them further away from me down the line of adults.

"-our eternal hope-"

Betty clears her throat loudly as Don speaks, making everyone try and hide their smiles, but I can still see that they wanted to giggle, so I make sure to do it for them.

"Ashley..." Mom says in a scolding voice as I laugh, but I can see that she's trying not to smile as she pulls me into her lap and kisses my forehead.

I see Betty and Miss Sherry looking at me with grins, which is weird as Betty is sometimes a bit rude to me. Maybe because she's pregnant she's gotten nicer? I still don't like Mr Gore though, he's still always looking at mama in a funny way, and I always smell his funny scent everywhere, even at home, which is weird...

"But mommy, Pastor Ron talks funny." I whisper, making my dad quietly chuckle, so mommy smacks his arm.

"You're supposed to be too sick to go to school missy, so I don't know why you're so happy." She looks at me with a raised eyebrow, and my smile immediately fades.

"I am sick, look." I fake a cough and pout.

"Mmh.." She hums, still looking skeptical. "Very sick."


When my brother and sister get back from school Jenny and I play in her room as she has the best dollhouse, and we also wanted to hide from dad who was playing the trumpet very loudly in the living room, making the noise echo through the whole house.

"My ears hurt..." I frown, covering them firmly with my hands.

"Tell me about it." Jenny giggles, moving a barbie doll down the dollhouse's stairs. "I don't know how mom hasn't made him stop yet."

We hear loud footsteps running towards the room and then Ian appears. "Mommy says foods ready, so finish playing."

"We'll be done in a second, we just need to put the dolls to bed." Jenny tells him as we both walk our barbie's up the stairs and start tucking them into the little beds.

"Hey, Jenny, Ashley, Ian!! Come on let's go!"

We all get up as we hear mom's voice calling us from downstairs.

"Last one there is a rotten egg!" Jenny giggles, pushing past Ian as she runs out the door and he quickly follows.

I don't want to race so I walk down normally, I don't like competitions, they're useless and violent.

"Did you two leave your sister behind again?" I hear dad's voice ask as I finish walking down the last step.

"I didn't wanna race..." I mumble as I walk into the room and sit at my usual seat at the table, next to mommy.

"Racings fun!!" Ian laughs, greedily tucking into his spaghetti bolognaise.

I frown and use my fork to play with the pasta. "No it's not..."

"Okay, alright, no arguing at the dinner table please." Mommy scolds us as she places some garlic bread on the table before sitting down next to me. "Ash, eat up before it gets cold."

"It's a different cheese." I tell her, poking the cheese with my fork.

She nods. "Yeah, I got a different brand, but it tastes the same, sweetheart."

I shake my head firmly. "No it doesn't... I don't like it."

She rolls her eyes and takes my bowl off me, transferring all the grated cheddar onto her own pasta. "I swear to god honey, you're so fussy."

I don't say anything back, just eat my dinner slowly once the cheese had been taken off. I try to drown out the sound of everyone talking as it's making my head hurt.

"Mama mia! Pleasa passa me the spicy meatyballs!" Ian asks in a very bad Italian accent while pinching two of his fingers together and shaking them in the air.

Mommy shakes her head and sighs as she hands him the bowl. "You watch too much television, young man..."

Dad gives Ian a small wink, making him giggle.

Mom clears her throat and turns to us all with a smile, changing the conversation topic. "Tomorrow, we're all going to Allan and Betty's as they're having a little party to celebrate their new baby girl. She's apparently very cute."

I think all babies look the same... all ugly, funny looking potatoes who cry and make messes. Doesn't seem very adorable or cute to me.

Jenny gasps excitedly. "Does that mean I can have a sleepover at Alisa's?!"

Dad shakes his head. "Maybe not this time, honey. They have a new baby and it's probably very chaotic, they don't need another kiddo running about."

"Fine..." Jenny huffs, taking a sip of water.

I don't like parties, they're always so loud, and there's never anywhere to go where it's quiet.

"Do I have to go?" I ask with a frown.

Mommy nods firmly. "Yes baby, you do. It will be fine, there will be lots of kids your age, and me and your father will be there the whole time."

I'm gonna hate it.

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