Chapter 24

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Jacqueline's POV

Two weeks later and things were not looking up. I didn't know why the fuck I was so damn optimistic two weeks ago. I have never felt worse in my whole, entire life. I felt like I was dying. I didn't know. I did know that while it takes a while to kick the flu, but I was still feeling like shit. I couldn't keep anything down. Not even water some days. Like today. Odette was worried because I'd actually started to lose weight. I was down about seven pounds in less than two weeks when this stupid flu decided to get fucking worse. Briggs had no leave left after spending a week with us in the Bahamas and the three weeks home before that. He had no leave left. He was stuck in Cali while I was so sick I could hardly get out of bed some days.

Odette was nagging me again about going to the doctor and I finally agreed. Something was wrong and I needed help getting better. I wasn't going to get better on my own anymore. She helped me in the car and made sure I had a plastic store bag in a tiny trash can just in case I got sick on the way. She had me packed into the car and was driving me to the hospital in under ten minutes. She double-called Briggs so he'd know to answer on the way to the hospital. She even called her parents to let them know she might need them because I was super sick and she was taking me to the emergency room. They promised to be on the next flight.

Briggs, was a little more difficult to talk to because he was so protective of me and because he couldn't be here.

"Hey. I'm taking her to the hospital. She's not even keeping water down now. It's going on day two. I'm worried she got some kind of parasite or something from there. Of course, it had great reviews! That doesn't mean things don't happen! I just wanted to tell you. I'll call you when we know. He says he loves you," I nodded at her, the movement of my head making me dizzy and nauseous. "She nodded, aannnnddddd she's throwing up again. Gotta go."

As I emptied what little I had in my stomach into the plastic store-bag-lined trash can, my phone pinged. I didn't even have the strength to even look at the text. I was so exhausted and whatever this bug was zapped my fucking energy. What the fuck was going on with me? What's happening? Oh god. Did I really get a parasite? I try so hard to keep my eyes open, but I'm way too tired.

Maybe just a quick nap.

The motion of the car must have been enough because the next thing I know, I'm being lifted onto a gurney and I feel the cold air whipping across my whole body. I shudder at how cold it is. "I felt her shiver, she's coming back around," a male voice said.

"Oh thank god!" Odette? Why did it sound like she was crying? "She's coming back around. I'll update you when I know more." I felt something warm on my hand, "I'm here, sis. I'm here. Please stay with me. Please. Think of Briggs. Don't leave us," She was shouting as she sounded further away. Where was she going? She didn't want me to leave? What was going on?

I'm too tired to stay awake. I'm going to take a little nap.

Odette's POV

What's there to do when you can't wake up bestie up when you pull into the ER? You have a full-on meltdown in the waiting area that she's not on drugs, you just came back from vacation six weeks ago and she's been fighting the flu for almost the full six weeks as loud as you can until a nurse grabs a gurney. He exclaims she's burning up and needs to be seen now and helps you get her on there and wheels her.

What's there to do when you're left at the double doors between where you sit and wait to hear about your loved one and where said loved one is being worked on, because they need to work to save her? You call your parents and cry until they board their flight out to you so you're not alone, and so she's not alone. I sat there for three hours until my parents arrived from Tennessee. No one came out to tell me how she was doing. No one came out to call my name to give me an update or ask me questions about her. I got nothing. Every time a nurse came out; I got my hopes up they were looking for me.

But once a different name leaves their lips, that hope dies. I try to stay calm. I think I might have paced a hole in the thin-ass carpet they had down in the waiting room. I was in the middle of more pacing when my Mom came rushing in with luggage and Dad behind her rolling another suitcase.

It was like once my parents got there and saw how distressed I was, everything was magically handled. Mom marched up to the desk and demanded answers for her daughter and why they weren't called since Jacqueline and I used my parents as our emergency contacts. And they hadn't tried to update any of us on her condition since she'd been brought in three hours ago. Mom was being southern nice, but also bitchy. I don't know how she talked in circles like that.

When her Dad had passed, my family, along with Briggs, held her up. She asked them if she could use them as surrogate parents, and they happily told her yes. My parents loved all the friends I brought home, but Jaquie was their favorite. Mom was on her way back over, looking concerned. I stood up and Dad was next to me. Both of us worried for Jac based on Mom's face.

Oh god. Is it cancer?! Please. Not her too. Not my best friend. Not my sister.

Not her too.

"Odette, they're going to take us back to see her soon. Honey, did you know?" I looked at Mom confused, and shook my head like, please explain.

Please don't let it be cancer. Please don't let it be cancer.

"Know what Mom?"

"That Jacquie's pregnant?" My eyes bulged out. Pregnant?! My hands flew to my mouth. No fucking way.

My best friend's what?! No fucking way.

No fucking way! I told her to be careful. I told her this was going to happen. How did I not think of that?

Just as they called us back, my phone rang. Briggs was calling to check on her. This isn't my news to share. I hit ignore and tell myself to call him back if Jac's awake. She needs to be the one to tell him. And make her own choices.

Holy fuck. I might be an aunt.

Briggs' POV

I was getting worried because I hadn't heard anything in a couple of hours and I was really fucking worried. I knew Jac hadn't been feeling good, but I didn't know it was this bad. She always made it seem like she was getting better, that she was just tired from fighting off whatever bug she had. I rake my hand down my face again. I go sit on the edge of my bed, head in my hands.

Fuck. I wish I had leave.

As the call goes to voicemail again, I want to throw my phone against the wall, but then I'd be really screwed as to how I was getting updates. Tex was on duty tonight and tomorrow night. I wouldn't even be able to use his phone. I toss the phone over my shoulder behind me on the bed.


Someone better fucking answer this time. I called Odette again and when it rang til the voicemail picked up, I just hung up, not bothering to leave a message, and sent a text.

Briggs: Update, please?

I lay back on my bed and waited. Trying my fucking hardest to be patient. This wasn't going to work so I got up and started pacing the fucking floors. The silence in the room felt like it was going to fucking smother me the longer I was in it. This was Jac's best friend we were talking about. She was also the woman my best friend, Tex, was in love with, and also Jac's self-proclaimed, sister. I couldn't kill her. I also couldn't go off on her. She was there and I wasn't. I was stuck here. In this fucking place. I just wanted to get back to her.

She needed me and I couldn't fucking be there for her. Again.

Fuck my life!

Odette: Getting an update now. She should be awake soon too. They're hoping.

Briggs: She's still not awake?! WTF is happening to my wife?!

Odette: I'm not sure. But they're trying to figure it out and if you would stop texting, I could get you an answer sooner. Don't make me tell Tex. He said he still owes you one for the Diaz shit too.

That shut me up. Tex hadn't gotten me for the Diaz shit and I knew it was going to hurt when he finally did. I also didn't want to give him any more reason to want to hit me.

Please be okay, Jacqueline. I love you.

I took a deep breath and decided to go grab some chow.

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