**Chapter 10**

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**TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter touches on the topic of miscarriage aftermath.**

Jacqueline's POV

It was too late by the time we landed and got to the hospital. In my heart, I knew it. I also had some physical signs that I was probably losing the baby. Briggs made sure we made it to the hospital in record time. And, even though you know deep inside yourself that, it's too late, you still have that tiny little bit of hope left. You still pray for them to tell you your feelings are wrong. That you're going home with all three of you, not just two of you. I kept that hope, that wish alive for as long as I could. It was a comfort that maybe there was a chance I hadn't lost Bean.

All for them to tell me, "I'm sorry, but your hormone levels are dropping significantly, and we couldn't find a heartbeat. I'm so sorry." Briggs held me all night. He got the discharge paperwork. He got me to the car. I don't remember much, but I do know everything felt like it wasn't real. I know I was inconsolable. I know I cried so hard I broke a blood vessel in my eye.

I cried, wailed, hit his chest, begged for it not to be true, and he just held me. Wrapped tightly, and yet gently, in his big, strong arms that had held me many times before. Even when I got mad at him because he wasn't hurting. The look he gave me when I shouted that he wasn't hurting hurt me more and broke my heart again. He had tears in his eyes. I'd heard him crying in the bathroom of the plane.

Of course, he was hurting too. We'd both only known for two weeks, but I know I was excited. I think he was too. He'd been pampering me since the minute I found out and told him. Thinking of all the possibilities that lay ahead of us, when we were going to be parents.

Now...they were gone. Bean was gone.

And I felt empty.


It's been three days since we landed, and I lost my baby. My little Bean. And today, I have to meet with these despicable fucking people in fucking court, because they don't think they did anything wrong. I could still feel the anger from losing my baby. I could feel the hole in my heart where Bean used to rest and used to be snuggled safely within me. Or, where I thought was safe. I was angry. And I could still feel the anger from finding them tangled together in my home. Fucking. I wanted, no. I needed a way to vent this anger. And I knew just the perfect two people to be my targets.

Well, shall I help you learn? Starting today?

When we got back from the hospital that night, I heard the message from Lennon. I was ready to join her. She'd spoken to her new stepmom, my would-have-been mother-in-law, and thankfully, she was on board too. We were three women, on a mission. And we were going to take down these two, pathetic men. And then they were going to help me take down Arlene and Ruth. God that's going to feel good.

Putting those people in their places. It was going to feel damn good.

We're meeting today. After the court hearing. At my house. No one will suspect me of being in on any of this further than suing Chase and Ruth. Jefferson had already submitted all the evidence we had against them. Text messages dating back years, videos, proof the abortion she had was more than likely his as she wasn't seeing anyone else at the time. There was proof this one she was currently pregnant with was his, the video I took when I caught them. All my financial statements, receipts, and emails from the wedding vendors.

We were ready to bury them. And, after we got a judgment on this case, we had actual criminal charges that were being pressed on both of them for trespassing on my property after I left. I had proof from when I told the parents that they were to leave me alone and never bother me or come onto my property again. And both sets of parents promise to deliver that news. I also had his mom and her dad who agreed to testify for me. Jefferson was also going to use this opportunity to see if he could get the judge to give me a restraining order. Anything to keep these leeches from me.

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