
13 3 2

So... Today.. in school.. I had to read something in my book thingy to the classmates that sit next to me..

... But I read quietly.. a lot.. and then my friend called me a disappointment and told me to stop reading so quietly.. am I really a disappointment..?

... I hate this.. I keep forgetting to write part two of "the date" thingy, I hate my body, I looked hideous. I hate how I had to go to a school where I saw the people who hated me in elementary... Why are people so mean. Do they even know who they're hurting.. I hate living so much...

In my old school people where just funny and nice and i made so many nice friends.. but now I won't see them again

My whole body fucking hurts when I walk or run or talk, my stomach always hurts but I still keep a fake smile. I just wanna run away from home.. why is being an ugly girl so hard


I'm gonna head to bed now.. or maybe I'll just stay up again, I don't know.

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