Chapter 1

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"Ms Allen, your therapist appointment is in an hour. I just wanted to remind you to leave soon" my assistant Makeena blurred out as I looked up at her.

"Thank you, can you make sure that you have all the files ready for my next appointment when I come back on my desk"

"Of course Ms Allen" she said as she walked out of my office.

I sighed as I looked at the time it's 1:02 and the drive to the therapist is 30 minutes and I need to make sure I grab Jalen's suits from the dry cleaners before getting there. I quickly closed my laptop as I grabbed my purse and keys and made my way out the door. I rushed to the car and drove off to the dry cleaners as my phone went off, it was Layla I smiled as I answered

" wassup girl"

"Hey Nova.." her mood felt off

"What's wrong?"

"Me and Kaz got into it again, I'm so tired of this like I can't keep doing this shit anymore he is wasting all of our money on gambling again he's been doing it for months" she said as she started crying I could feel the pain in her voice

"I'm really sorry Layla, he need some help you have to nug him to get help because he can a make the mistake and lose it all" I don't mean to make it sound worse but Layla is someone that needs to hear the truth without the sugar coating.

"I know I just don't want to be the one to help him anymore or be around when he gets whatever help. I'm drained I'm tired my son is the only reason I've stayed this long but I have to put me first I can't allow this to keep happening" smart girl but I might need to sugar coat it a bit now

"I understand how you feel but let's slow down for now you're very emotional, after you get through the emotions and if you still want to end your marriage then I will be here for you and I'm stepping ten toes behind you with any decision you make because I know it's been draining for you so let's just allow the emotions to do it's thing then you decide okay"

"Thank you Nova, I really appreciate you so much" she said sighing

"You always here for me and I just need to make sure I do the same for you, you're family"

"I know I just appreciate you but I'm going to let you go I know you're probably busy"

"I'll call you when I get home if it's not too late"

"Okay I love you, be safe"

"I love you too" I said as she hung up

I pulled over and got out quickly as I ran in and smiled at Mr. Filed

"Here you go sweetie" he said as he handed me the clean suits

"Thank you so much see you soon" I said as I ran out the car and hung up Jalen's suits and got in the car and made my way to the therapist office, it didn't take long and got there 5 minutes before our season, I went and signed in and took a seat to be called. I sighed as I looked around and there is no sight of Jalen. I quickly grabbed the phone as I gave him a call and it went straight to voicemail. I sighed as I called again and no answer

Me: Don't fucking play with me nigga

I'm heated, he knows how bad we need this and yet he can't even make it on time.

"Ms Allen, Dr. Davis is ready for you" I smiled as I got up and made my way into her office and sat down she looked at me trying not to look confused as to where the hell is my husband. This is so telling of why we need therapy once again.

"Mr Allen is late again?" She questioned me

"Yeah.. I'm so sorry, he got held up at work again.." I said trying not to make eye contact with her, looking stupid scanning through the room like I'm searching for his ass myself.

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