Chapter 10

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***Don't forget to vote and comment. Thanks to the very sweet MissAnonymoussx for the cool fan cover of Protectors! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter ;)*****

The names now had faces, of which Reiner, Jade, Lander, Merek, and Phantom all gazed upon. Sir Ariston stood in front of the men and shouted instructions. They all wore training garbs and were weaponless. Each man stood to attention and were as still as stone as Sir Ariston shouted. These were the men that they had whittled the list down to. Eight of these men would be added to Reiner's personal guard. Jade would give eight of these men her trust to protect Reiner.

Merek leaned over and whispered to Jade, "The one in the back there, he's trying hard not to smile. It reminds me of Lander when we went through training together, the bastard wouldn't stop laughing at our commander."

Lander smiled as he overheard the conversation, "That's because he had a mustache that wiggled like a dying rat. I couldn't take him seriously."

Reiner was listening intently at Sir Ariston and shushed them loudly. Phantom flicked a single ear back in annoyance and looked at Jade as if to say, what's his problem?

He's just nervous, she assured him. The three of them quieted down anyway and paid attention as Sir Ariston counted off the men and put them into pairs. The group watched as the men chose practice swords and went about their attacks. Reiner was careful to watch each individual and Lander and Merek leaned in and remarked their opinions on soldiers that caught their attention. Reiner was making his own remarks on footwork and swordsmanship. Jade however, took a step back and looked at the men as an entity rather as individuals.

These men need to be able to work as a team. I have no need for a group of fine individual fighters. If a personal guard can't work together then they will be useless. Jade still noticed individuals who looked more at ease with a sword than others. There was talent in some, and less in others, but Jade knew this could not be the only factor in choosing people to protect Reiner.

Jade said nothing as the morning dragged on, she let Lander and Merek give their remarks and opinions to Reiner. Sir Ariston was relentless and continually called out maneuvers for the pairs to execute. The soldiers had all already been through training and were sworn into the king's army, so each knew what they were doing. It was far different than watching a group of amateurs. Every hour Sir Ariston counted out new pairs, it was a way to gauge how each man faced a new opponent.

Finally when Reiner showed his hand to Sir Ariston he called out for a halt and allowed the men to break for a rest and to each some lunch. They men collapsed into the shade of the nearest building and drank mouthfuls of water while servants from the palace passed out food. "We'll eat in the garden ourselves," Reiner told them. "I've had a table set up for us." He led them to the private gardens and they all sat down to eat. The day was growing hot and Jade was grateful for the cool spring water. Her throat was dry and she fought back the growing cough in her throat.

"So, any thoughts? I haven't heard anything from you all morning," Reiner asked Jade after they were all settled. Lander grabbed a few sandwiches off a plate and stuffed them into his mouth.

Jade shrugged. "It's only been a few hours," she said. "It's too early to say."

"And Phantom?" he asked. Jade rose a single eyebrow at Reiner from across the table and he smiled, admitting defeat and asked nothing else from her. Reiner was being anxious and Jade had no problems reminding him of that fact. They ate lunch under the shade of the pruned trees and hedges and not long after a messenger from the barracks came to report that the men were returning to their training.

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