Chapter 6: Normal Life

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Chu-Wanning's expression softened as he pat Rei's head, his other hand going unconsciously up to her hair, fingers gently combing through the strands.

"You're so young," He said softly. "You shouldn't be stressing about such things at your age."

Rei's eyes suddenly waters at her unspoken love and unrequited feelings and she breaks down in tears.

Chu-Wanning's eyes widened as she suddenly burst into tears, his hand freezing mid-air.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" He asked, his voice filled with concern.

He placed both hands on her shoulders, gently trying to coax her to look up at him.

"Shizun...tell can I stop loving someone?"

"Stop loving someone?" He echoed, his voice soft and quiet.

He paused for a moment, thoughtfully rubbing her shoulders with his hands.

"Why do you want to stop loving this person?" He finally asked, his gaze meeting hers.

"He doesn't love me back"

"Are you sure he doesn't love you back?" He whispered back, his voice barely above a hushed tone.

"Definitely...he loves someone else..."

He fell silent for a moment, his hands starting to absentmindedly draw soothing circles on her skin.

"Shizun....shizun..." a painful cry left Rei's throat, filling the room with soft sounds of sobbing.

Chu-Wanning's heart ached at the sound of her tears, his hands gently tightening their grip on her arms.

"Shhh," he hushed, his voice now filled with a mix of soothing and gentle chiding. "Don't cry, Rei."

"Should I stop this journey?"

Chu-Wanning's eyes widened at Rei's unexpected question and he swiftly pulled her closer, his grip on her arms firm but gentle.

"No," He said, his voice firm yet soft. "No, you should not."

He paused for a moment, searching her teary eyes before continuing.

"Why do you ask such a thing?"

"I can't ... I can't do this anymore. I will just live a normal life, back in my village" Rei said between her tears.

His hands gripped her tighter, his eyes filled with alarm.

"No," He said again, his voice firmer this time. "No, you can't just...leave like that."

Rei cries as she reminisces how moran told her she is better to work in the village and marry someone and live a mediocre life.

"Shizun...tomorrow...I will go"

Chu-Wanning's eyes widened at her firm declaration, his hands stilling on your back.

"No," he said, his voice a mixture of anger and desperation.

He pulled back slightly, his hands moving to grasp her shoulders and forcing her to meet his intense gaze.

"You are not going anywhere," He asserted, his voice leaving no room for argument.


Chu-Wanning's grip on her shoulders tightened.

"You. Are. Not. Going. Anywhere," he repeated slowly and firmly, emphasizing each word.

"Shizun...moran was looking for you"

Rei said again, well it wasn't a lie either, moran was always looking for shizun so she uses this technique whenever she was cornered by Chu-Wanning and it always worked.

Chu-Wanning's brows furrowed at the mention of moran, his irritation at the other man momentarily resurfacing.

"What does he want?" He asked, his voice a bit huffy.

"H-He was looking for you the whole time" Rei said her hands gripping on her hem

Chu-Wanning let out a soft huff, his eyes briefly closing in annoyance.

"That idiot always manages to be a nuisance," He muttered under his breath, the disdain clear in his voice.

He opened his eyes again and looked back at Rei, his grip loosening just a fraction.

Chu-Wanning's eyes flicked back to her, his hands now gently resting on her shoulders.

"Well, if it's something important, I guess I should have a look," he mumbled, his inner curiosity getting the better of him.

He slowly, reluctantly, released his hold on Rei's shoulders and started to get up.

There was yet another pain in Rei's soul when chu wanning left the door, she gets up and wipes her tears.

Rei sneaks out of the sect and goes to the town outside, away from all the mystical stuff wearing her down. Maybe this is where she belongs...the normal life

It wasn't until much later that Chu-Wanning  started to notice Rei's absence. His mind immediately went to the worst possible scenarios. Where was Rei? Was she okay?

Panic and alarm rose in his chest and he quickly started his search.

Rei knew she screwed up. How can her shizun not notice her absence? Ofcourse he will. She quickly increased her pace and went to a shop and dressed into simpler clothes.

Rei scolded herself for probably making shizun worried and using moran as a bait but she didn't care anymore. She's going back to being normal.

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