1. 𝐄𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞

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i need to escape right now!

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i need to escape right now!

from this house, who is torturing me.

this house doesn't feel right after my mom died.

i have a good relationship with my dad but without mom it is all different.

i can't get over her. she died in a car accident and i was in the car.

i was nineteen

and my leg got fractured due to the car accident but i was alive but my mom wasn't.

someone saved me.

someone, i want to know them. who did it?

who did it!?

who saved me and made me live this life as hell!?

sometimes, i wish i had died because i don't wanna live and the last thing my mom would have ever wanted other than seeing her family happy would've been living till she's 100 or 70.

i was the total opposite, i could've died but i didn't, even when my mom was alive because she was the reason i wanted to live.

and now i don't plan to die because i'm living for her.

she would have wanted that.

that's why i am doing something nice for myself before starting college of interior designing.

i will be the oldest there and it will be weird, i had an accident 2 years ago.

i see my reflection in the mirror.

my eyes are puffy, my throat feels dry -- the mirror can't show that -- i get up and turn on the TV.

i watch the old episodes of the tourists.

the show where mom used to work at. she loved travelling.

how different we were!

the dor of my room swings open and bri comes.

"hey" i say getting up and sitting straight on the bed -- not fully staright.

"hi" she said making it a whisper like someone could be hearing us.

who would hear our conversations?

"i just wanted to check on you, we haven't met each other for 1 week, how are you?" she says while coming and sleeping beside and hiding in the blanket.

something hits my heart, the feeling that she will never come back from that blanket.

will she not?

i let out a small chuckle at my thought, "what? i'm fine, you don't have to check on me" i said removing the blanket from the face, her beautiful face.

she came back.

she didn't disappear into the dark world inside the blanket.

i smile slightly, "i have to, you're my sister" she said hugging me -- too tight as always -- i hug her back but not tight like she is hugging me.

"where will i ever go?" i ask her, i said the truth right now, where will i go?

"i want you to go nowhere and i know you will not" she said so soft and so pure, she was always like this, too kind for the world and too hard to understand but not for me, i'm her elder sister i know what's the best for her even when she doesn't.

that's what the older siblings are for.

i missed her so much when she went to her father's place and i was at mine.

"of course you do, you know everything" i whisper in her ear, kissing her on her hair, i get up from the bed leaving briana dumbfounded.

i have an idea and it is for briana, only for her.

"kya? why did you get up?" she questions, her eyebrows joining each other, she says something in hindi.
[translation - what?]

"i have an idea" i tell her, there was excitement in my voice, "why don't we go on a trip? to somewhere, now i don't know where but somewhere it will be fun before we both start college as you know i won't be free after" i explain my idea to her, she smiles, i felt a relief in me, i knew that smile she is agreeing

"yes!" she says jumping out of the bed and hugging me "let's go somewhere!" she exclaims in excitement.

she now is like mom.


Author's note

heyy! hope you liked the 1st chapter, i really enjoyed writing it. i am not the eldest sibling in my family so, idk if i potrayed it well enough for all the elder siblings but still i will try a lot harder to write it well! bye for now 💗

pls vote & comment

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- have a nice day/night 💗

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