Chapter four: A Bloodied Dawn

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Three years had passed since Eirik first stepped into Vigrid Hold, a confused young man burdened by a destiny he neither understood nor wanted. Now, he stood at the heart of the training yard, a warrior in his own right. His muscles had hardened from years of grueling training, his once-unsteady hand now firm on the hilt of his sword. The fire within him—the blood of Tyr—was no longer a foreign presence. He had learned to control it, to channel its power when needed. But it still lurked beneath the surface, a reminder of the battles yet to come.

The friends he had made in those years—Bjorn, Astrid, Leif, and Valka—had become more than just companions. They were his family. Together, they had fought raiders, beasts from the shadowy realms, and creatures twisted by dark magic. They had faced death more times than any of them cared to remember, but they had survived.

Today, the morning sky was thick with storm clouds, dark and swollen. It felt like a bad omen, but Eirik shook it off. It had been weeks since their last skirmish, and he was eager to move again. Skaldar had sent scouts to patrol the nearby forest, expecting trouble from the fire giants that had been creeping closer to their lands. But the day had started with silence, an unnatural stillness that put everyone on edge.

Eirik stood with Valka at the top of the fortress walls, gazing out over the landscape. The snow-covered hills were bathed in the pale light of dawn, and everything seemed unnervingly quiet.

“Something’s coming,” Valka said, her voice low. She was leaning on the wall, her gaze sharp as ever. Over the years, Eirik had come to trust her instincts more than anyone else’s. Valka’s calm under pressure was unshakable, and her presence was a source of strength for the entire group.

Eirik nodded. “I feel it too. Skaldar’s been restless all week.”

Before Valka could respond, a horn sounded in the distance. The sharp, echoing call cut through the cold air, setting Eirik’s heart racing.

“Scouts,” Valka said, her eyes narrowing. “They’ve spotted something.”

Eirik glanced down at the courtyard. Soldiers were already moving into position, their armor clinking as they grabbed weapons and prepared for battle. Bjorn was barking orders to the younger warriors, while Astrid and Leif were preparing their own gear. Skaldar appeared from within the keep, his face grim as he mounted his horse and rode toward the gates.

Eirik grabbed his sword and followed Valka down the stairs, his senses already heightened. As they reached the courtyard, the main gates groaned open, and a group of riders thundered through, their faces pale and their eyes wide with fear. They skidded to a halt in front of Skaldar, their leader dismounting quickly.

“Giants,” the man gasped, clutching his side. “Dozens of them. Fire giants, and worse—there’s something else with them. Dark creatures… shadows made flesh.”

Skaldar’s expression darkened. “How far?”

“An hour, maybe less. They’ll be here soon.”

The air in the courtyard grew tense. Fire giants were dangerous enough, but the mention of shadow creatures—the twisted abominations born from the dark realms—sent a ripple of unease through the gathered warriors.

Skaldar turned to the group, his voice cutting through the chaos. “Prepare for battle. We defend this hold with our lives. No one leaves. No one retreats. Today we fight, or we die.”

Eirik tightened his grip on his sword. He could feel the fire in his veins stirring, reacting to the impending battle. Valka gave him a brief nod, her face set in determination.

“You ready for this?” she asked quietly.

“I’ve been ready for three years,” Eirik replied, though the weight of what was coming pressed heavily on him. He couldn’t shake the feeling that today would be different—that something more than blood would be spilled.


The battle erupted just as the first light of dawn crept over the mountains. The fire giants came first, their massive forms tearing through the trees, their skin glowing like molten rock. Behind them, the shadow creatures slithered, their bodies dark as the night, their eyes glowing with an unnatural hunger.

Eirik was on the front line with Bjorn and Astrid, their swords clashing against the giants’ fiery weapons. The heat from the giants’ bodies was suffocating, the ground beneath them scorched by their very presence. Eirik moved with practiced precision, his sword cutting deep into the flesh of a giant’s leg, sending it crashing to the ground with a bellow of rage.

“Push forward!” Bjorn roared, swinging his axe with brutal strength, felling another giant with a single strike.

But even as they pushed the giants back, the shadow creatures swarmed around them, their dark tendrils wrapping around soldiers, dragging them into the void. Eirik could hear their screams—men he had trained with, laughed with, fought beside. They were being ripped apart by these things, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

To his left, a soldier named Hallvard—a quiet, dependable man Eirik had grown to trust—was caught in the grip of one of the shadows. Eirik lunged to help, but it was too late. The creature pulled Hallvard into its depths, his body vanishing in a cloud of darkness.

“No!” Eirik shouted, slashing at the creature, but his sword passed through it harmlessly. The shadows were too fast, too fluid.

To his right, another soldier, Ingrid, was fighting off two giants at once. She had been with Vigrid Hold for as long as Eirik, a fierce warrior with a laugh that could light up any room. But now, she was surrounded. One giant brought its flaming sword down, and though she raised her shield, the force of the blow knocked her to the ground.

“Ingrid!” Eirik shouted, but the second giant was faster. Its blade drove into her chest, and she went still.

Eirik’s breath caught in his throat. Hallvard. Ingrid. Gone, just like that. The chaos of battle surged around him, but for a moment, everything felt distant, like he was watching it from far away.


Valka’s voice snapped him back to reality. She was fighting her way toward him, cutting through a pair of shadow creatures with precision. Her eyes locked on his, fierce and focused.

“Stay with me!” she called. “We can’t afford to lose you now.”

Eirik shook off the shock, forcing himself to move. He fought his way back to Valka’s side, every strike of his sword driven by anger and grief. The fire inside him surged, and he welcomed it, letting it fuel his every movement.

Together, they pushed through the battle, side by side, until the giants began to retreat, the remaining shadow creatures slithering back into the forest. The battle wasn’t over, but the immediate threat had passed.

As the sun rose higher in the sky, Eirik stood among the fallen, his chest heaving with exhaustion. The snow around him was stained with blood—both human and giant—and the bodies of those he had fought with lay scattered like broken dolls.

Hallvard. Ingrid. More names to add to the growing list of the dead. More weight to carry.

Valka approached, her face streaked with blood and ash, but her eyes were clear. “We survived,” she said quietly, though there was no joy in her voice.

Eirik looked out over the battlefield, at the smoldering remains of the giants and the empty husks of the shadow creatures. “At what cost?”

Valka didn’t answer. She didn’t need to.


End of Chapter 4.

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