02 - The Quirky Neighbor

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Okay yeah today is not the day tomorrow, i was busy okay...

Next Door Inventor

Ah yes, that's what everyone in the neighborhood calls him. X is indeed an inventor, and he's exceptionally skilled when it comes to creating robot inventions. However, he doesn't use them for anything practical. Instead, he keeps them all in his room, stacked up.

The neighborhood where X lives is where the warmth of its residents creates a welcoming atmosphere. It's a place where people send food and treats to each other. You can often hear the sound of children playing outside or neighbors exchanging greetings. It's sort of a safe place, where everyone watches out for one another.

Here, X lives with John Titor, a girl two years older than him, their bond is as close as family. There's nothing wrong with having such a close bond with someone not tied by blood, and for X and Titor, together, fill the gaps left by the absence of their parents. They're both quirky in their own ways, each with distinct traits that make them who they are.

X is a genius when it comes to inventing things, his mind is always filled with new ideas and possibilities. He's a natural inventor, crafting robots and gadgets that seem quite complex. Though he tends to keep most of his creations to himself. Titor, on the other hand, is equally unique, but her quirk lies in her way of communicating, she speaks entirely in programming language, specifically hexadecimal code. It's a skill she developed, she's a computer engineer genius after all. They have their own rhythm, and their own way of communicating. I guess that's why both of them are Intellect Arcanists.


Summer break just started for X, at this time of the year, X will be at his peak. For the next 4 weeks, he would make new inventions that he had planned for the year. Titor didn't like that, she wanted X to greet the neighbors or something, he's always in the house on workdays and holidays.

X stood in the doorway, holding a box full of robotic components, his face all excited. But just as he was about to head upstairs to his room, Titor stepped in front of him, blocking the way.

"4e6f206d616b696e6720696e76656e74696f6e7320746f646179," she said.
(No making inventions today.)

X blinked, surprised. "Aw, hey! Why not?"

"2c2049276d206e6f742206c657474696e6720796f75," she replied, not budging an inch. (I'm not letting you.)

"Yeah, why though?" X groaned

"776527726520636f6f6b696e6720666f7220746865206e65696768626f727320796f752073686974207368696f77." (We're cooking for the neighbors, you shit show.)

X blinked again. "I did not agree to that!"

"796f752063616e206d616b6520697420612070726f6a656374," she fought, motioning toward the kitchen. (You can make it a project.)

He let out an exaggerated sigh, dropping the box onto the floor. "But it's summer! I'm in peak mode! I can't just stop everything."

Titor crossed her arms, giving him a stern look. "4e6f2072657369652074686520666f726d," (No reason to resist.)

X huffed, rolling his eyes. He in fact couldn't find any more reason to resist. "Fine, fine. But this better not take too long."

Titor smiled slightly, pulling X to the kitchen.

Together, they made enough cookies to deliver to every house on their street. A small part of him enjoyed the simple rhythm of baking with Titor. It was nice, even if it felt like a distraction to his projects.

X and Titor were about to head out the door with the bags of cookies. Titor not forgetting her translator.

Just as he was about to step outside, a boy stood there, hand raised, about to ring the doorbell. It was Oliver, from next door.

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