01 - An Unexpected Invitation

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A Party In Moonlight

These days, Oliver has been getting more and more commissions at work. He didn't want to work overtime. Are you crazy? He was already busy with his homework. He's 15, yes! 15, and is already employed by the London officials, a job passed down from his father. Refusing work was simply not an option, though he often wished to write to the queen about changing the laws for age requirements.

Finally finishing today's tasks, Oliver trudged home with his usual umbrella and stopwatch in hand.

"Home again, finally! Now it's time to do my homework and then read a good book," he said to himself, a hint of excitement in his voice.

That was his daily routine. On quiet days, when there were no commissions, he enjoyed the peace of his home. After completing his homework, he settled into his favorite spot on the couch, with a warm cup of tea in hand.

As Oliver settled into his favorite spot on the couch, the aroma of tea wafted around him, making the moment feel even cozier. He flipped through the pages of his book, getting lost in a world far away from his responsibilities. Just as he was about to reach a particularly exciting chapter, the sound of the mail slot clattering in the front door jolted him from his reverie.

Curious, he set the book down and walked over to the door. He opened it to find a few letters scattered on the floor, one of which stood out with vibrant colors and an embossed seal. Oliver picked up the letter. It was an invitation to a party. Curious, he opened the invitation.

"You're invited to a party at 8 PM next Saturday. To Mr. Oliver Fog. You will be picked up by someone you know, so do not worry about where the party will be held."

"Wow," he whispered to himself, half impressed, half judging. "Like I would go." Yet, considering that there would be no work or school next Saturday, he couldn't help but think, why not?

Oliver wasn't a fan of loud places, and parties usually made him uneasy. The thought of mingling with a crowd and small talk sent shivers down his spine. After all, Oliver is the kind of guy who takes things seriously. Each evening, he sank into the familiar comfort of his books and tea, the soft rustle of pages and the warm aroma wrapping around him like a cozy blanket.

He often thought about X during these quiet evenings, reminiscing about their late night chats over steaming mugs of tea in the suitcase. Those moments were filled with laughter and shared dreams. Would X be at the party?

As the week passed, the invitation slipped further from Oliver's mind. He focused on his usual routine of work and homework. The party invitation faded into the background, overshadowed by the weight of his responsibilities.



The following Saturday was different. He had no work, which gave him more time to relax at home. As the sun began to set, he found himself immersed in a particularly gripping book, completely unprepared for the knock at his door.

Oliver jumped in surprise. The tension of the scene he was reading made him a bit jittery. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he opened the door slowly.

"Hey Oliver, are you ready yet?" It was Vertin, her usual flat tone softened by a smile.

"Ah, timekeeper? why are you here?" It seems like he had already forgotten the party invitation from 4 days ago.

"Oh, did X not give you an invitation?" she replied, her expression slightly amused.

"Ah, right, the party. You wouldn't mind me getting ready first, do you?" He realized he had completely overlooked it, the invitation slipping from his mind.

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