Raymond Millerson and His Dog Shelter

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Meanwhile at Brad's own workplace at the dog shelter, it had been just another day in 'Give a Dog Another Chance at a Home'. Raymond Millerson, the owner/proprietor/head of the dog shelter, itself, had been playing a game of tug-o-war with one of the dogs, Slobberton, an American bull dog mix. It had always been a ton of fun when dealing with a lot of the stressful pressure of being the owner of a charity in an otherwise profit-based world.

Of course, there had been a ton of barking from the other dogs all around Raymond and Slobberton, particularly that day. Although, it did always manage to get pretty nasty for poor Raymond whenever Spixington, the blue spix macaw at his shelter who thought he was a dog, got drill sergeant competitive about dogs vs. humans at tug-o-war, even if in reality, he was neither one.

Spixington: Oh, for pity's sake, are you two at it, again? Raymond, how many times do I have to tell you that it's pointless for you humans to play tug-o-war against us dogs before you finally get the message?

Raymond was even on all fours as he tried to win against Slobberton. While on his perch, however, Spixington still had the nerve to show favoritism towards Slobberton and his win against Raymond in tug-o-war. From another doghouse, Bitsy, a Yorkshire-Boston-terrier-mix, cheered for her friend, Slobberton, to win at tug-o-war in her own language.

Bitsy: Come on, Slobberton. Show this human what you're made of.

Another doghouse that held a tangled, matted up Italian greyhound with quite a messily maintained coat of fur, Diggit, also cheered his friend, Slobberton, on in his own tongue.

Diggit: You can win this, Slobberton. Just do what you can do best.

Back from atop his own perch, Spixington also cheered Slobberton on. As a blue spix macaw, however, everyone could understand what he had to say to Slobberton about winning tug-o-war against Raymond.

Spixington: Come on, Slobberton! Hit him with both barrels!

That was just what Slobberton did as he hit Raymond with his drool. Spixington also got excited at the thought of a dog even winning against Raymond.

Spixington (continued): Yes! You've got it! He's ours! He's down! He's_

Just as Spixington made such observations abundantly clear to Slobberton about Raymond, the blond in question started to get back up on his real legs.

Spixington (continued): He's getting up!

Of course, the other dogs were concerned by then about the possibility that Raymond might have been able to win the tug-o-war.

Bitsy: Oh no, Spixington. This is terrible.

Diggit: What do we do? What can we do to help Slobberton win this match?

Spixington understood good and well what the two had gotten at with their concern. Of course, the blue spix macaw who thought he was a dog had a plan to help their friend, Slobberton, beat Raymond, even if it were technically an unfair win.

Spixington: Well, I always say that if you can't stand the heat, cheat!

Of course, Bitsy and Diggit did not have much qualms against cheating, even if it were wrong and unfit for dogs. But then again, they were strays and no one really cared for either of them.

Spixington (continued): Hurry, boys! Get in there!

Of course, Bitsy always had a qualm or two with being called a boy by Spixington when she was very clearly a girl. There was a more pressing matter to tend to at the time in helping her friend, Slobberton, win against Raymond. So Bitsy decided to put Spixington once again called her a boy on hold, for the time having been.

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